Virginia: Democracy For America Un-endorses ‘Racist’ Ralph Northam – IOTW Report

Virginia: Democracy For America Un-endorses ‘Racist’ Ralph Northam


The Democrat has been accused of racist actions and flip-flopping on critical issues.

Democracy For America, a left-wing advocacy organization, unendorsed Virginia Democratic candidate for governor Ralph Northam on Thursday, calling his campaign “racist.”

After Northam removed his black running mate from campaign literature, DFA “remove[d] Northam’s name from the tens of thousands of Get-Out-the-Vote calls our members are making in Virginia.” However, they did not publicize the decision at the time.

But when Northam flipped his position on sanctuary cities, the left-wing group stayed silent no more…

“However, after seeing Northam play directly into the hands of Republicans’ racist anti-immigrant rhetoric on sanctuary cities, we refuse to be silent any longer and even remotely complicit in the disastrous, racist, and voter-turnout-depressing campaign Ralph Northam appears intent on running,” they wrote.

DFA also called the candidate “morally bankrupt” in their statement, making clear they had no intention of ever supporting the candidate.

ThinkProgress also declared their dissatisfaction with the candidate, saying he “moves one step closer to President Donald Trump:”  MORE

18 Comments on Virginia: Democracy For America Un-endorses ‘Racist’ Ralph Northam

  1. Circular firing squads.

    The shrieking hysterical Left can’t even to wait until they’re elected to start their Purge.

    Wonder whether they consider Northram a Bolshevik or a Menshevik.

    Gillespie’ s margin of victory just went up.
    Basement dwellers love any excuse to stay home.

  2. It’s “racist” to want to enforce the law and prevent illegal-alien invaders from infesting our cities – spreading disease, murdering our fellow citizens, and living the parasitic life on the backs of the taxpayers?

    Maybe the Demonrats, in their frenzy to sow hate and division – in their mad dash to destroy America, has lost the meaning of the word?

    I don’t follow VA politics, but I’m sure this guy’s a scum-sucking pustule without that particular epithet – the (D) tells us that.

    izlamo delenda est …

    “Democracy For America, a left-wing advocacy organization, unendorsed Virginia Democratic candidate for governor Ralph Northam on Thursday, calling his campaign “racist.””
    For once, a proper use of the word.

  4. @Tim

    Most people wouldn’t follow Virginia politics.
    You see, we rednecks in black pickup trucks that left me to chase down minority children like to keep that on the down low.

    A quick overview on Virginia. We have statewide elections every 4 years on odd years. Governor is limited to a single term. In the case of McAuliffe that’s a good thing. Northam is Lt Gov now, which is a yes man job.

    The guy running for Lt Gov is an all out Marxist black man and is being shunned by even the whacked out Northam and the even weirder Atty Gen Mark Herring.

    Herring is up for reelection. His first act as AG, without a hint of it during the campaign, was to legalize gay marriage.

  5. Gillespie…so the final stench of McAuliffe is GONE!

    HEY Northam: I’ll buy an F150 just to drive you around the worst ghettos in ALL of Virginia…want a “teaching moment”…b!tch?!?

  6. The thing is I suspect that won’t cost him even the margin of a poll error in votes. A lot of these hard left groups talk a good game, are well financed by the likes of Soros and his family (why are they still on this planet, they must pay a fortune in bodyguards) but actually don’t wield/control a bunch of actual votes. In fact, I figure if Northam is smart enough he could spin this to his benefit by denouncing the hard left socialists that are dressing themselves in Democrat fur.

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