Democrat Attempt to Federalize Elections Blocked by the Senate GOP – IOTW Report

Democrat Attempt to Federalize Elections Blocked by the Senate GOP

Only traitorous Murkowski voted yea. Video Here

SNIP: From what I’ve heard, Murkowski was elected fraudulently, several times. So, her wanting to go along with federalized elections doesn’t surprise me.

16 Comments on Democrat Attempt to Federalize Elections Blocked by the Senate GOP

  1. Even the likes of Susan Collins knows federalizing elections is unconstitutional.

    Next would be the electoral college being done away with.All part of the commie plan.
    This shows how strong the pull to acquire power is. These 80 & 90 yr olds still working to get more.

  2. The GOP has seats won through fraud, just as do the Demonrats.
    The Demonrats have nationalized the fraud and the GOP, belatedly, has only lately awakened to its peril. The Demonrats will do to the GOP just what the National Socialists did to the Communists and Social Demonrats back in 1933 Germany – disenfranchise them after using them to pass their agenda. The GOP are a treasonous lot, as well, and cannot be trusted to support America, our Constitution, or the “Rule of Law.”
    Listen to the deafening silence over the Dempanic Hoax, the Globaloney Climate Hoax, and the Electoral Fraud which put a retarded pedophile in the White Hut.

    It’s staggering.

    izlamo delenda est …


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