Democrat Candidate Says Black Male Trump Voters HATE Black Women – IOTW Report

Democrat Candidate Says Black Male Trump Voters HATE Black Women

ABL: A black Democratic candidate by the name of Pam Keith says that nearly 20% of black males who voted for Trump hate black women. Thankfully, Keith just lost her race against Brian Mast in Florida’s District 18 so there is no concern of her actually gaining power… yet. But the fact that she got over 40% of the vote with such boldly racist ideals is concerning, to say the least. But her vile comments raise a conversation about black voting patterns in the 2020 election.

Early exit poll data shows that Trump received a nearly 35% increase in the black male vote going from 13% to 18%. Now, of course, the data is early and both numbers must allow room for error or lack of honesty. Even with those well-known caveats, the 35% increase is impressive. For black women, their percentage of Republican votership is low, but it did dramatically improve. Trump received just 4% of the black female vote in 2016 and that rose to 8% in 2020, which is a 100% increase. So does this mean that black women also hate black men? Or is there something… else going on? read more

21 Comments on Democrat Candidate Says Black Male Trump Voters HATE Black Women

  1. I have a handful of black friends. They are all living with or married to white woman. Hmmm. However I think it’s more of a case that no one wants to be around a Libtard who’s mouth is on full auto.

  2. The thing to focus on is that, being a racist, she believes ALL black women share her political stance. If that were the case, then it seems likely that far more than 20% of black male Trump voters despise her political stance, and so, logically, despise all black women.

  3. I would bet the farm that those black male voters like having more and better opportunities to care for their loved ones under Trump than they have ever had or stand to have under any other legitimate Presidential hopeful. In fact I would put everting I have or ever will have on the line. You better believe some of my best friends are black and they are real friends who I share common interests with and not “imaginary friends” or real populations of black Americans that Democrats exploit based solely on the color of their skin to advance their own agenda.

    I’m so Goddamned sick and tired of this shit I could spit. The hell of it is my friends can call me at work and ask to borrow a tool and I will give them the security codes to enter my home and would never think twice about it. The bastards they exploit they don’t know from Eve and other than it being a symbiotic relationship wherein the black side gets a few trinkets from the taxpayers, by way of those exploiting them to a advance their own agenda and the other getting support for their agenda, they have nothing binding them together.

    Fuck me Kate, I am tired of this shit.

  4. These assholes are one trick pony and one sick puppy. The only card they have in the deck they are dealing from is the race card. The dirty motherfuckers make me sick just to think about the way they look at people.

    I was putting up a building over the summer and had a 4×12 ridge beam that weighed north of two fifty and my neighbor and two friends showed up here to give me a hand. The two friends who drove across town, who are black, and other than one left with a 17 lb Costco bag of charcoal briquettes from my pile, saving him a trip to the store, there was nothing in it for anyone except the opportunity to help a friend.

    Goddamnit these subhuman pieces of shit char my ass.

  5. So she is agreeing that no way Biden/Harris could possibly receive so many legitimate votes??

    Maybe she should propose that single communist Chinese men prefer black women candidates ?

  6. The “opinion” of this Feminism-diseased idiot/beotch has resulted in generations of black Americans who have been aborted, committed more crime nationally than any other ethnic group, high levels of drug abuse and unaddressed, untreated mental health issues.

    Now, that some black men are truly “woke” to the damage done by the socualist indoctrination of progressive overlords who needed an underclass to rule to stay in power, black leftist are enraged.
    Shame on these conservative leaning black men wanting to regain their role of productve, responsible men having a positive effect on society.

    The left hate patriarchy and the true order of the family – father, mother children. God designed the family that way because it’s a powerful nucleus, which the left have successfully fragmented, especially black families.
    The hateful twisted thoughts Mz. Kieth spews out come from an evil source. She’s the one who hates black women. Her leftist agenda creates the foundation for the continued self destruction of the black fanily.


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