Democrat congressman’s staffer caught defacing posters in Capitol complex, but DOJ won’t prosecute – IOTW Report

Democrat congressman’s staffer caught defacing posters in Capitol complex, but DOJ won’t prosecute

Capitol Police caught Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Jake Auchincloss’s chief of staff defacing posters outside the Capitol complex office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and referred him for criminal charges, but the same U.S. Attorney’s office that pursued the Jan. 6 defendants declined to approve an arrest warrant, according to police documents and interviews.

Police and Auchincloss also confirmed Monday that the congressman’s office was involved in allowing comedian Steven Colbert’s production team into the Capitol complex last week in an incident that led to security concerns and the arrest of seven members of Colbert’s team.

Capitol Police asked federal prosecutors back in March for an arrest warrant for Timothy Hysom, 51, a longtime Democrat congressional staffer who worked for Rep. Adam Schiff before rising to be Auchincloss’s top aide, after capturing Hysom on hidden camera security footage defacing Greene’s posters with stickers with religious messages, according to copy of the arrest warrant obtained by Just the News. more

12 Comments on Democrat congressman’s staffer caught defacing posters in Capitol complex, but DOJ won’t prosecute

  1. Shades of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

    The Party can do no wrong – regardless.

    We’re only a breath away from another Kristallnacht.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Capital police are “Bush Republicans”! When the Grey haired “officer” testified at Liz’s “hearing” 15 months ago; I said, he sounds like a Bush man. When I got home and Duck Ducked him he was just that A BUSH REPUBLICAN.
    I’ve said many times the last 25 years “GWB Republicans are Democrats”! He is an example.

    The Dems know this! I think most GOP do as well; but either think it is good: Adam, Liz, Mitch…. or do not care.

    Conservatives like Ashley Babbitt care!

  3. “Timothy Hysom, 51, a longtime Democrat congressional staffer who worked for Rep. Adam Schiff before rising to be Auchincloss’s top aide…”

    And why not. They trade and pass them around like baseball trading cards. Whores…the whole lot of them.

  4. I’m a glutton for punishment – Jake Auchincloss is my Congressman. He is 34 and will probably represent the district for 60 more years. We got him when Joe Kennedy III unwisely decided to run against Ed Markey for Senate in 2020 – it was not his turn even with the name Kennedy. I thought I was grateful to see the end of Joe and the Kennedy mystique. Before Joe, it was Barney Frank!

    If I could, I would leave the People’s Republic of Marxichusetts today – I have some family here that depend on me for now.

    This twerp Auchincloss is trying to make a name for himself? I’ve got a few.

  5. Dabney – do you think congressional staffs should go around defacing each other’s posters?

    Auchincloss is wrapped up with bug eyes Schiff in allowing the Colbert 7 into the building last Thursday – a day that will live in infamy.

    Speaking of cry babies – notice nobody needed a therapy dog with the dementia patient was sworn in.


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