Democrat County Supervisor in Virginia Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud Related to Ballot Harvesting – IOTW Report

Democrat County Supervisor in Virginia Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud Related to Ballot Harvesting

A county supervisor in Virginia has been accused of dozens of counts of voter fraud in a case in which prosecutors allege he showed up at the homes of voters, with absentee ballot applications and ballots, to ensure he would have their vote. more

9 Comments on Democrat County Supervisor in Virginia Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud Related to Ballot Harvesting

  1. Grundy, the county seat, is quite unique…geographic & “otherwise”. The kinda place where votes have literally been had for a bag of cheetos & a sixpack.
    I think you’d find it fascinating to delve into it’s history.
    They finally had to move the town up the hill to keep out of the water.

    Arrest, trial, death penalty if found guilty.
    There is no other way.

    Yes. ^^ Until there are severe penalties for stealing elections, why shouldn’t they continue stealing them?

  3. @TSUNAMI May 14, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    > Arrest, trial, death penalty if found guilty.

    “We” will judge the Dane. By the rules agreed on, amongst the Dane. For judgement of the Dane. Subject to change (by the Dane) without notice.

    What. Could. Possibly! Go. Wrong?

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