Democrat Data Scandal – IOTW Report

5 Comments on Democrat Data Scandal

  1. truly scary stuff
    with the antifa/brownshirts and the manipulation of access to truth and news, it is very reminding of 1930’s germany.
    google and facebook are the ibm/dehomag of our day. And they listen 24/7 if someone has one of their devices.
    As I type this, the internet is being scrubbed of pics that show bill clinton with epstein in the same frame. There are still some side by side pics, but the ones of them together are going away.
    Have a plan and know the people you can trust. And where to put your faith- never forget that one.

  2. There’s a saying: “If you don’t pay for the product you are the product”. That’s all we are to these tech companies. Now they are morphing from data sellers to using data to manipulate society. Of course they want a liberal future run by their pals, but they’ll eventually want direct control. George Orwell was truly a prophet.

  3. schmidt resigned, from his position as head of google, the day after President Trump signed the Asset Forfeiture Program into effect. He still works for them.

  4. “Civis Analytics currently working for the Biden campaign.”

    Maybe that’s why Joey B. is blabbing about all the dirt he’s getting on other candidates. Must be tiresome working with him and his big, stupid mouth. But It is amusing to watch the tech nabobs become bloodsucking political consultants. They’re not as smart or influential as they think they are, and I think they are headed for big disappointment in 2020.


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