Democrat Dystopia Update: Los Angeles Deploys “Water Police” – IOTW Report

Democrat Dystopia Update: Los Angeles Deploys “Water Police”

Los Angeles Deploys ‘Water Police’ to Tattle on People They Think Are Using Too Much.

Western Journal: Clipboards in hand, city officials are patrolling the streets of Los Angeles.

What are they looking for, exactly? Puddles.

the first violation elicits a warning. After that come fines of up to $600. Upon a fifth violation, a device is installed restricting the offender’s access to water.

13 Comments on Democrat Dystopia Update: Los Angeles Deploys “Water Police”

  1. any possible calculation how many drug dealers, users, prostitutes, thieves and other assorted criminals they drive by while looking for puddles? How much do these ass clowns make a year too????

  2. I think I saw this in the Mad Max movie “Fury Road”, where you got water ONLY if you worshipped your ruler.

    …its like Democrats look to dystopian movies for their ideas, and get all the wrong ones.

    They probably read the Bible to see how satan gets over on people too, so they can copy that.

  3. It’s really too bad California isn’t located next to a source of abundant water, and really too bad that with state tax revenues at an all-time high some of that money couldn’t be used to build desalinization plants to gather fresh water from the OCEAN right next to California. Maybe then they could stop worrying about droughts every couple of years.

    But that would take brains. I guess it’ll never happen.

  4. @Racer X July 19, 2022 at 3:13 pm

    > It’s really too bad California isn’t located next to a source of abundant water

    > But that would take brains. I guess it’ll never happen.

    The (southern?) California Green Zone, pulls water from other states. As long as those traitors continue to profit from their allegiance against Americans, nothing will improve.

  5. I can remember tree-huggers who, in an effort to save water, would only flush their toilet once a day. Talk about nasty. I’ve never been in a gas station restroom that smelled any worse. Why not dig a hole in the back yard?

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