Democrat Election Clerk Testified in Court-Admitted She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots – IOTW Report

Democrat Election Clerk Testified in Court-Admitted She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots


For the first time on Thursday, a judge began examining evidence in the legal case aimed at reversing the outcome of the Bridgeport Mayoral Primary. The investigation comes in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the state’s largest city, where surveillance footage captured a woman inserting multiple pieces of paper into an absentee ballot drop box just one week before the mayoral primary election.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video last month showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported. MORE

9 Comments on Democrat Election Clerk Testified in Court-Admitted She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

  1. “Rare and Ubiquitous” election fraud.
    Yeah, at least there’s one “judge” in the United States who’s striving for justice.
    Would that other “judges” had the courage.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The police Chief is more concerned about the security video from a public building being released to the public and not the corruption in City Hall?
    Kind of tells you where his loyalties are.


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