Democrat fumes over revelations FBI spied on nearly 20,000 campaign donors – IOTW Report

Democrat fumes over revelations FBI spied on nearly 20,000 campaign donors

Just The News-

Revelations that the FBI improperly used a foreign surveillance tool to spy on nearly 20,000 campaign donors have prompted outrage from a key Democratic lawmaker as Congress mulls whether to renew the program or let it expire.

During a Tuesday hearing, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin excoriated the bureau for its improper use of a pivotal surveillance tool, saying “[s]ince the last reauthorization of Section 702, many violations of the constitutional, statutory, and court-imposed restrictions on 702 have come to light,” according to the Epoch Times.  more

15 Comments on Democrat fumes over revelations FBI spied on nearly 20,000 campaign donors

  1. “improperly used a foreign surveillance tool”

    Why would they use a foreign surveillance tool instead of the NSA? The NSA knows what each and everyone of us had for breakfast.

  2. “improperly used a foreign surveillance tool”

    They must have spied on a few democrats too; I can’t think of any other reason for Little Dick Durbin to get all turgid over this.

  3. @Marooned, that is the safer part of Detroit lately.
    Used to go there years ago when it was majority Polish community. Would buy the best sausage I had in my life from an family owned small Butcher shop. Most are gone now and replaced by Halal shops and no pork.
    Guess it’s a give and take world.

  4. Hey Dick, you keep mouthing off like that and the FBI might “find” your email communications with James Hodgkinson. Six ways to Sunday, like your buddy Schumer said. Capisce?

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