Democrat Fundraising Letter Tied Tax Cuts To Neo-Nazis – IOTW Report

Democrat Fundraising Letter Tied Tax Cuts To Neo-Nazis

Daily Caller: Democrats certainly don’t appear to have an issue with using fear to fundraise.

A Senate Majority PAC mailer with an enclosed letter from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tied together the Kremlin and neo-Nazis with corporate tax cuts.

“This Must Stop,” the mailer says above the words, “Corporate Tax Cuts. Discrimination. Kremlin. Medicaid Cuts. Bribes. Repealing Health Care. Neo-Nazis.”

The previously unreported letter was obtained by TheDC on Friday. Schumer claimed in it that Trump is turning his back on America in order to help Russia and “billionaire backers.”  read more

5 Comments on Democrat Fundraising Letter Tied Tax Cuts To Neo-Nazis

  1. There should be a single care facility — run like the VA — for demented congressmen. Daily therapy would include being strapped into a chair and made to listen to each other for hours on end; a sort of holistic approach to mental health, you know, like taking a tincture of the toxin that poisoned you.

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