Democrat in-fighting begins – IOTW Report

Democrat in-fighting begins

CNN commentator Sally Kohn on Thursday took a shot at former Vice President Joe Biden for being pro-big business, saying his position is “tone deaf” and “out of step” with what Americans want.  – MORE


Dianne Feinstein Snubs California Colleague Kamala Harris, Backs Joe Biden.  – MORE

“I love Kamala,” Feinstein said. “But this is a different kind of thing.”


CNN’s Paul Begala Takes Shot at NYT for Noting Pelosi’s ‘Hot Pink Dress’.  –More

In a tweet that has since been deleted, the Times wrote, “Nancy Pelosi, wearing a hot pink dress, ascended to the marble dais in the center of the House chamber to accept the wooden gavel.”

Begala criticized the tweet by responding, “Find me the story where you mentioned what Paul Ryan was wearing when he became Speaker.”


David Brock Goes After ‘Berniecrats’ for ‘Personal Attacks’ Against Beto.  – MORE

Brock argues that the attacks are “driven by the far left and lapped up by the press” and warns they could be destructive for the party.

6 Comments on Democrat in-fighting begins

  1. regardless of how it appears, or is presented to the voting public, they are all in pursuit of the same goals.

    “Dianne Feinstein Snubs California Colleague Kamala Harris, Backs Joe Biden”

    No surprise there.
    “But in 2013, while then-Vice President Joe Biden was meeting with Xi Jinping, a private equity firm managed by Joe Biden’s son and John Kerry’s son suddenly struck a deal with a bank operated and owned by the Chinese government, creating a $1 billion joint-investment fund.”

    Oh, but that is biden’s _son_. And kerry’s _son_. Not them.
    Just like mcconnell in the senate:
    “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) in-laws have ordered 10 massive cargo ships from the Chinese government since the senator’s wife Elaine Chao became Secretary of Transportation.”
    Oh, yeah, that’s right- that isn’t mcconnell.
    Every stinkin’ one of them is corrupt. They may present the appearance of competing against each other, but in reality, they are just upping the amount of their buyouts.

  2. Of course they are self-serving.
    But as long as the house Dems are money grubbing and distracted, and the fresh new chumps don’t know how the game is played – they keep threatening each other and they keep tugging on superspeaker’s cape. And Nancy doesn’t much care for that. LOL.

    Trump still has the Veto, and the Senate won’t play nice with the house 90% of the time.
    I think McConnell will be a little disappointed he won’t be able to Paul Ryan himself on the Senate though.

  3. @Walpurgis: “The democrats marching in lock step has been their biggest advantage. That and the completely disorganized republicans. I hope those days are over.”

    I hate to tell you but we haven’t seen anything yet. It’s about to get exponentially worse.


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