Democrat Joe Manchin Comes Out Swinging for Trump Tariffs: ‘I’m Extremely Happy’ – IOTW Report

Democrat Joe Manchin Comes Out Swinging for Trump Tariffs: ‘I’m Extremely Happy’

Breitbart: Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is thrilled that President Donald Trump is moving forward with tariffs of 25 percent on steel and ten percent on aluminum imports into the United States, he told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

“I’m extremely happy. I really was—I mean, for the first time, I know what happened with NAFTA,” Manchin said in a phone interview. “I know what it did to West Virginia, to our steel industry, our aluminum industry, to good-paying jobs that you can support your family. Everybody just turned their backs on us and let it happen, but I’m very proud about that [Trump’s tariffs] and that we got people understanding it. If you look at the national security of our country, which everyone should look at, you can’t be the superpower of the world and not have the necessary building blocks. If you don’t have steel, aluminum, and high-alloy, you’re in trouble.”

Manchin noted that China has not only “been trying” but has “been successful” in supplanting the United States in terms of steel and aluminum production and that President Trump’s actions are necessary to stop and then reverse that trend.

“How do you grow to be the largest manufacturer of steel in the world unless you’re infiltrating other markets?” Manchin said. “So, China produces 50 percent of the world’s steel. The United States is the largest importer of the world’s steel, from around the world, just to connect the dots. They’re going to come and tell me to try to make me believe that only 2 percent of our steel comes from China? Christ, I’ve got oceanfront property in West Virginia I want to sell you if you believe that. Here’s the thing: We got steel coming to us from countries that don’t have a steel mill. Tell me about that one?”

Manchin added that Trump’s tariffs are important to combat China because other countries serve as a conduit to push Chinese metals into America.

“That’s why he had to be carte blanche on what he did, 25 and 10,” Manchin said.

Manchin also said that even though official Washington, the media, the political class, and financial elites who drive debates in the nation’s capital are upset by the tariffs, they are deeply popular back home in West Virginia.  more here

14 Comments on Democrat Joe Manchin Comes Out Swinging for Trump Tariffs: ‘I’m Extremely Happy’

  1. Guess he calculated the shock collar treatment he received from the guano loco left v Trump love + camera time and decided, screw it, I’m all in.

  2. The regressives on Facebook frantically posting memes and articles from the media saying Trump’s tarffis going to cost US steel and aluminum companies tens of thousands of jobs. Ford and GM going to lose billions in profit. Yet they lap that shit up.

    Just like Fat Boy Un now wanting to sit at the Trump table and make a deal, when the countries scamming us start getting crushed by the tariffs, they’ll be at the table too. Hell just heard yesterday that China now saying they don’t want a trade war. That’s because they know they can’t scare Trump into submission like limp-wristed Barry.

  3. Just like POTUS Trump’s tax reform, tariffs on imported steel and aluminum will have the desired effect and in the end no one will be able to argue with the results. Just wait, in about six months the Left’s harangue against POTUS on this subject will quietly fade into the background — of course without concession of its success — and something else will take its place. Something else that America desperately needs to do right again.

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