Democrat John Fetterman: ‘I’m Actually Very Proud’ to Have Helped Free Convicted Killers from Prison – IOTW Report

Democrat John Fetterman: ‘I’m Actually Very Proud’ to Have Helped Free Convicted Killers from Prison

Breitbart: Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D), running against Republican Mehmet Oz for the state’s open United States Senate seat, says he is “actually very proud” of his record of helping free convicted killers from prison.

During a panel discussion in Erie County, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Fetterman touted his record on the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons where he oversaw the release of 13 convicted killers from prison and placed members on the board who sought to end mandatory life sentences for convicted first- and second-degree murderers.

Fetterman downplayed the release of convicted killers by the Board of Pardons, suggesting nearly all inmates released on his watch were “nonviolent” criminals.

“The overwhelming majority, 99 percent, of all that was nonviolent kinds of convictions that somebody made a mistake early in their lives or maybe during it because they were struggling with addictions or poverty or whatever reason,” Fetterman said. “And they ended up to go to live an upstanding life. And 10, 15, 20 years ago, they’re being punished for the rest of their lives.”

“They got a second chance to have their record clean … they were all nonviolent things and it’s thousands of people and I’m actually very proud of because giving somebody a second chance in their lives,” Fetterman said. more

12 Comments on Democrat John Fetterman: ‘I’m Actually Very Proud’ to Have Helped Free Convicted Killers from Prison

  1. Fetterman is not unique in his antipathy for the criminal justice system, a system of racism and oppression. If libs had their way there would be no jails or prisons.

    Every criminal has a sob story; the white man has his foot on their neck, the product of poverty, bad schools, and no other options. The enlightened minds of progressives are dialed in, attuned to this unlevel playing field. White privileged folks can handle some crime or some violence aimed in their direction, it’s their penance for past behavior.

  2. Only society’s lowlifes would applaud the release of violent criminals and pro-violence positions such as Fetterman, Hochul, Newsom, Waters, Biden, Clinton, et al. Quiet as it’s kept it’s one of their main goals to have blaks who have a long rep and history of kylling off their own, to continue doing so without democrats getting their own hands dirty. Same seen with “covid19 injections” where the HHS Sec admitted to that fact of kylling off blaks, latinos, and ethnic groups. Everything dems do is done underhanded and with subterfuge.

  3. I think the big money power brokers are going to crowbar abject morons like Lurch here into office. They seized power in 2020 and they’re not going to give it up easily! They’ve robbed the Treasury like an inner city CVS and who really knows how much they have stolen for campaigning and turning heads with bribes to buy their way into power! I dont think a whole lot has changed since 2020, although I’d love to be wrong!

  4. Someone please tell me how murder is nonviolent? It ain’t gonna happen unless you live in liberal la la land where nothing is criminal except for questioning the authority of the ruling class. And the ruling class doesn’t know its ass from a hole in the ground.

  5. The truth will s̶e̶t̶ h̶i̶m̶ f̶r̶e̶e̶ g̶e̶t̶ h̶i̶m̶ e̶l̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ g̶e̶t̶ h̶i̶m̶ r̶e̶j̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ r̶e̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶ n̶e̶c̶k̶ K̶r̶a̶c̶k̶e̶n̶ make the puss ooze out of his neck tumor.

  6. That is my big concern about ending capital punishment: once that is accomplished then life with no possibility of parole becomes their next target.

    It is like gun-grabbers wanting gun owners to “compromise.” Once the grabbers get that they move on to the next stage. Then you have a situation where home invaders have more rights than the people whose home they invade.

  7. Ghoulish Fetterman, in a moment of unusual clarity, he let this honest statement slip out: “Hell, if it would help me win this election, I’d dig up my dead great-grandmother.”


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