Democrat Kansas Governor Signs Bill Fining Companies $50,000 For Not Allowing Vaccine Mandate Exemptions – IOTW Report

Democrat Kansas Governor Signs Bill Fining Companies $50,000 For Not Allowing Vaccine Mandate Exemptions

National File: Democrat Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed a bill into law on Tuesday that fines companies up to $50,000 for not granting wide exemptions to any COVID-19 vaccine mandate they impose.

Kansas HB 2001 was signed into law by Kelly, a Democrat who despite initially imposing COVID-19 restrictions alongside other Democrats, has recently expressed concern about federal vaccine mandates from the Biden administration as her reelection looms.

The signing came after fraught negotiations in the special session between the Kansas Senate and House, with a number of competing bills combined into one.

“I know there are Kansans who believe this legislation goes too far, and there are others who believe this legislation doesn’t go far enough. But I was elected to lead, and leadership means seeking compromise,” Kelly said in a statement.

“This bill is the result of compromise in action. Now that it is signed, we need to turn our attention towards pressing issues like growing our economy and passing my plan to Axe the Food Tax, so we can put money back into everyday Kansans’ pockets.” more

10 Comments on Democrat Kansas Governor Signs Bill Fining Companies $50,000 For Not Allowing Vaccine Mandate Exemptions

  1. You can forget about that kind of rational thinking breaking out hereabouts. WA may not be overwhelmingly REgressive population wise but the state government is fucking insane, top to bottom.

  2. She is up for re-election next year, time to show the other side of her face. From the KANSAN

    “In August 2020, Kelly saw her rating at 46%, according to a survey from a group of research universities tracking public opinion on COVID-19 policy responses. That is a decline from her rating of 68% in April of last year.”

    She’s worth $200 million and a typical lying liberal.

  3. “But I was elected to lead, and leadership means seeking compromise,” Kelly said in a statement.”
    That statement is the problem. She has no idea what leadership is all about. She just wants to be a negotiator or a referee.

  4. It’s still wrong. There shouldn’t be any need for exemptions at all. If someone doesn’t want any injection for any reason, they shouldn’t need to ask someone else’s permission to not get it. It’s your constitutional right to refuse any medical treatment you want to refuse.

  5. “But I was elected to lead, and leadership means seeking compromise,” Kelly said in a statement.”

    No. A big party of leadership is standing up for principles and not compromising.

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