Democrat Las Vegas Official Robert Telles Arrested, Charged With Murder of Investigative Reporter – IOTW Report

Democrat Las Vegas Official Robert Telles Arrested, Charged With Murder of Investigative Reporter

RedState: Earlier on Wednesday, I reported that the Democrat Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles  had a search warrant executed at his home in connection with a homicide investigation. I detailed the victim Jeff German, an investigative reporter who was found deceased on Sunday. German had published an expose detailing hostile work environment complaints lodged by Telles’ employees and outing his affair with a staffer shortly before Nevada’s primary, in which Telles lost his re-election bid. German was working on another story about Telles at the time he was murdered.

Telles has now been arrested on suspicion of murder, Sheriff Joe Lombardo told The Las Vegas Review-Journal. MORE

7 Comments on Democrat Las Vegas Official Robert Telles Arrested, Charged With Murder of Investigative Reporter

  1. ^^^^^ If it doesn’t take a lot of effort, FURRY should start a little side thread on Las Vegas. I still run across new 411. Will we ever know the truth. Probably not but more importantly why do we allow a Government that constantly hides things from it’s citizens to remain in power? I’d quote some cool old founders quotes, but we’ve all heard them before. Never ever ever never ever ever give up your guns.

  2. Must have been the last investigative reporter in America.

    Sure as Hell aren’t any at ABC, NBC, CBS, MSLSD, CNN, NYT, WaPo, or any other lamestream outlet.

    Come to think of it, there aren’t any investigators in the DoJ and FBI, either,
    just bobble-heads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m surprised James O’Keefe3 hasn’t had threats made against him. Maybe he has and just doesn’t tell us.

    Never ever ever never ever ever give up your guns.

    What Brad said! I agree!


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