Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface – IOTW Report

Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface

[…] The text message said they needed to “get her laid,” referring to the staffer and indicated “group sex.” The Omaha World-Herald reported the texts ‘described lining up multiple partners for group sex with the staffer and suggested the “three guys” could be paid.’ “Thoughts?! money” he said.

16 Comments on Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface

  1. I spent 20 days a year bird hunting in Nebraska for almost 30 years….it turns out that you can bird hunt and get laid in the same weekend…sometimes you have to take the kids to the movies and have their”uncle” put them to bed……New Years eve is a given….she was a belly dancer….Plus all the fat chicks go to California for the winter….

  2. This guy sounds like a real pig.

    Just as Roy Moore found it, it is really difficult to win without the backing (and money) of their own party. Factoring in the dems have several hitmen on retainer, I suspect he will see the light and and fall on his sword.

  3. As much as I dislike the word “hate” it’s what I feel for democrats.

    I watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for 8 minutes and 47 seconds, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.
    I have never seen them kneel for a fallen police officer.
    I have never seen them kneel for a fallen soldier.
    I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of aborted babies.
    I have never seen them kneel for a murdered white man or woman.
    I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of black on black murder victims.
    I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of elderly people that died in our nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.
    I must ask WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?
    In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting, looting, arson, murder, and mayhem in communities Nationwide…

    Add… I have never seen the Democrats kneel for Jews attacked around the world or for the Holocaust survivor who was raped and killed

    But they will kneel for the death of a multiple felon, and failed porn star.

  4. You stay strong, Janicek, they’ll come around to your point of view. Look at Joe. He’s got the Dem Party line all the way down to “I believe Tara Reade, but I’m still voting for Joe.”

    Tara who? No wonder Biden was sucking up to the Floyd family so hard.

  5. @ Joe6Pak

    You forgot that the smellocrats are
    never wrong nor culpable

    They cannot be accused of wrongdoing,
    ill will or thoughts

    Only the republicans can

    Just ask ANY of the pigs of the MSM

    And remember Tedward ( homicide ) Kennedy
    remained in the US Senate for more than 40
    years after he had murdered his pregnant

    To this day no smellocrat has raised a
    whisper of objection when he should have
    been ousted and never seated again.

    Regardless of the stupidity of the
    Massachusetts voters.

  6. @Joe6pak

    Sorry Joe

    Forget to mention that you had posted
    the greatest comment ever on this site

    And that’s a hell of a compliment
    because I hate thinking my own are
    in any way secondary.


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