Democrat Mayor of Texas Border Town Urgently Begs Joe Biden to Halt the Release of Illegal Aliens Into His City – IOTW Report

Democrat Mayor of Texas Border Town Urgently Begs Joe Biden to Halt the Release of Illegal Aliens Into His City

What is governor Abbott doing? Where is The Texas State Guard?

Gateway Pundit:

A Democrat mayor of a Texas border town pleaded with the Biden Administration to halt the release of illegal aliens into his city.

Earlier this month Joe Biden announced plans to allow at least 25,000 migrants seeking asylum forced to wait in Mexico under Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program into the United States while their immigration cases make it through the legal system.

Illegal aliens began flooding border towns in Texas and California this week.

Joe Biden also ordered ICE to release all illegal aliens from custody.

City of Del Rio Mayor Bruno Lozano urgently begged Biden to halt all measures regarding the release of immigrants awaiting court dates otherwise he will use his powers under the emergency declaration to refuse the entry of migrants into his city.

“We do not have the resources available to house and accommodate these migrants within our community,” Lozano said in a video message to Joe Biden. read more

12 Comments on Democrat Mayor of Texas Border Town Urgently Begs Joe Biden to Halt the Release of Illegal Aliens Into His City

  1. Did this mayor vote for Joe Biden? If he did then he (and other democrats in that city) voted for this (because it was obvious what Biden’s administration would do.
    Any fool listening to his and his cronies speak knew what he would do once in office). Maybe the mayor should be honest and own up to his support of ChinaJoe or he should resign and say it was a mistake to vote for the illegal-immigrant-loving Democrats.

  2. Jeff Spicoli needs to park his ass in front of the White House (fence. lol) with a bullhorn. Shit, get on CNN with a bullhorn. He’s a Dem and hispanic, they’ll invite him on without thinking. Biden isn’t going to see your TikTok vid, shug.

  3. It is a useless to to appeal to biden, he does not know what day it is much less what he is signing. The policies of this administration is to destroy America. To be honest, I must be dumb, because I can for the life of me as to why they are doing this.

  4. It’s not about destroying the City of Del Rio.
    It’s about destroying the Republican base in Texas by implanting tens of thousands future potential democrat voters in the state.

    I guess biden & democrats think they can manipulate & control Hispanics forever.

    Do they even know what La Raza means? LMAO It means “the race”!
    How long do racist white democrats think they can control Hispanics?!?!

  5. Quit yer crying. Even though you are a bed wetting, pillow biting Democrat, you’re still a Texan. Put the new conquistadors on buses to Washington DC, New York, etc. Make it their problem.

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