Democrat Mayor Sends 5 Buses of Illegal Border Crossers to New York, Chicago, Denver – IOTW Report

Democrat Mayor Sends 5 Buses of Illegal Border Crossers to New York, Chicago, Denver

Slay News: The Democrat mayor of El Paso, Texas has sent five buses of illegal border crossers to so-called “sanctuary cities” across America.

Mayor Oscar Leeser said his city is now at “breaking point” as 2,000 illegal aliens cross the open Southern Border into El Paso every single day.

The mayor says his city is now opening a new taxpayer-funded shelter to house the illegal aliens but it won’t even come close to dealing with the issue.

“The city of El Paso only has so many resources and we have come to… a breaking point right now,” Leeser said during a press conference on Saturday.

“So, this is something that we’ve been prepared for, but these numbers have really escalated a lot quicker than we ever anticipated,” he added.

The city is just one of several border cities in Texas and California facing a surge in mostly Venezuelan “asylum seekers,” according to a Reuters report. more

10 Comments on Democrat Mayor Sends 5 Buses of Illegal Border Crossers to New York, Chicago, Denver

  1. NYC needs to start adding floors to their buildings so they can house more migrants. The message they are broadcasting is they can’t take anymore, that’s BS. Start building upward, and stop crying.

  2. Ghost of Burner WEDNESDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2023, 17:28 AT 5:28 PM

    Soon to change party affiliation to Repub (RINO).

    Actually, Burner. It’s the actions of politicians that matter. It’s why I walked away from the Dem Party in the 80s.

    IDGAF what label they have on them. You do us wrong and I hate you. Rep, RHINO, Dem, Libertarian, Communist, you’re all scum if you don’t do the right thing.

    When they do do the right thing, (he said doodoo!), you have my attention. Even if he stays in his party affiliation and keeps doing conservative things, he’s worth a look at. Remember, Dems were fairly conservative back in the 50s and 60s compared to today. JFK would be certainly cancelled these days.

    “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” Dude would give Trump some competition for conservative votes these days.

  3. Shit is starting to get real. The progressive coalition is coming apart at the seams. It’s dog eat dog, pedos vs Muslim immigrants, Trannies vs Old school feminists, Union Workers vs Enviro nut jobs. The fucking Democrats and Republican establishment politicians and their backers have turned the entire country into a battle octagon.

  4. This is not really the Pwn it’s presented to be. We’ve had over 10 million illegals come into the US on FJB’s watch. Sending them to other cities in the US is just that… keeping them in the US. They have no business being here.

  5. “pedos vs Muslim immigrants”

    izlamic immigrants ARE pedos (as well as rapists and murderers).

    As TheMule points out – we need to stop the flow and then deport the maggots.
    WHILE hanging all the pedocrats who facilitated this catastrophe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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