Democrat Megadonor Injected Drugs into Unconscious Victims, Prosecutors Say – IOTW Report

Democrat Megadonor Injected Drugs into Unconscious Victims, Prosecutors Say

Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff donor Ed Buck about to stand trial for drugging deaths of two men.

Neon Nettle: Ed Buck, a megadonor to the Democratic Party’s most powerful figures, injected his unconscious victims with drugs, causing them to die, prosecutors are alleging.

Buck is about to stand trial in the drugging deaths of two men.

According to federal prosecutors in the case, Buck lured a stream of young male prostitutes to his West Hollywood apartment where they were injected with methamphetamine and played sexual fetish games.

Multimillionaire Hollywood elite Buck, a major donor to leading anti-Trump Democrats – Hillary Clinton, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to name just a few – allegedly lured one victim to his apartment and forced him to ingest a drink. more here

20 Comments on Democrat Megadonor Injected Drugs into Unconscious Victims, Prosecutors Say

  1. “…injected his unconscious victims with drugs, causing them to die…”

    …take out “unconscious”, and it’s what the Democrats are trying to do to us ALL…

  2. The Democrat Party and the news media are just fine with his proclivities and his behavior. Neither had any problem ignoring his bestial appetites, his predatory behavior and every thing else that was common knowledge in and around the Democrat Party. The main stream news media, being a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement was most definitely in the know when it comes to this guy.

    This guy is not an aberration, and he is most definitely not anathema to them for these acts. It is only due to poor timing in these facts coming out at this time that he is currently being publicly shunned by them.

    If they had their way he would be celebrated. The Democrat Party’s Poster Boy if you will. The only thing that holds them back is that they are not through normalizing everything and anything goes…yet.

  3. If I remember correctly, this fucking weirdo has a thing for black street bums. He would invite them over with the promise of drugs, make them strip naked, shoot them up and do bazaar sexual things to them. And then apparently get them to try and OD. Being a sick fuck is a prerequisite for being a Libtard.

  4. Agree 1,000% Brad. And imagine how many more of these sick fucks would turn up if the media wasn’t so fucking corrupt.

    BTW a bazaar is an outdoor market usually with multiple vendors.
    I believe you meant bizarre.

  5. Also

    ” And imagine how many more of these sick fucks would turn up if the media wasn’t so fucking corrupt.”

    A good point. The ONLY reason this freak of the week got caught was because dead bodies found inside your home are hard to ignore.
    Speaking of I Phones. The latest OS update adds a function called “Exposure Notification”. Wut? It tracks you, and everyone else, to see if you been exposed to an unvaxed person. You can turn it off. Or can you?

  6. A slightly different perspective on this is that this is the high end of the protection racket. They pay these corrupt scum-bag politicians to look the other way and leave them alone to play their sick, twisted games – Here’s a donation, wink, wink, nod, nod. Whether these Politicians participate is altogether another question, but for sure they know exactly what’s going on, but keep an arm’s length away from it for appearances and legal reasons.

  7. Ya know what? Buck has the same problem as Fauci does. They even look alike – have you noticed? People getting the jab under Fauci’s watch, are dying faster than any of Buck’s victims did. Why isn’t Fauci in jail?


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