Democrat Narrative About Ohio Child Rape Victim Completely Falls Apart – IOTW Report

Democrat Narrative About Ohio Child Rape Victim Completely Falls Apart

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Democrats went all out to sell and promote the story of a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who supposedly had to seek an abortion out of state based on Ohio’s abortion ban in the wake of the overturning of Roe. v. Wade.

They huffed and they puffed, claiming that the case was an argument for abortion on demand. Never mind that the state attorney general said that was nonsense, given that the health of the 10-year-old mother was at stake. Much was made of some conservatives who initially doubted the story, which turned out to be real.

But what wasn’t real was the promoted melodramatic narrative — about a heartless state of Ohio refusing to allow a 10-year-old rape victim an abortion.

As more facts come out about the case, it appears to be more of a tale of federal, state, and county officials protecting illegal aliens who ought be be first-priority deportable, not just the rapist, but the quite possibly enabling mother of the 10-year-old girl, who appears to be here illegally, too. 

Townhall did some digging into the people involved in this abortion narrative, and found a pretty sordid group of illegals who’ve been under constant protection from the state, no matter what they did. more

13 Comments on Democrat Narrative About Ohio Child Rape Victim Completely Falls Apart

  1. First and most important, is to question the Doctor involved and ask why the rape of a minor was never reported to Police (as the Doctors are required by law,) if so, why was this never followed up by the authorities – THEN if it was a false story, WHY hasn’t the Doctor been prosecuted for lying?

    NAME the Doctor!

  2. First, if people should realize abortion IS NOT a black & white(not racial) issue. There will be exceptions. Abortion should not be wholesale or subsidized.
    Just another dem money laundering plan. Planned Parenthood is 193 country mega corporation.

    Second, if more “Gerson Fuentes’s” were found with a single hole in the head, the others would think twice.

  3. Every observation I’ve ever made from my experience about child rape is here. The Mom’s boyfriend raping her daughter, the mom DEFENDING the rapist and minimizing his crime, the fact it went on for YEARS and no one intervened, the use of abortion to cover the crime, eliminating both the evidence and the inconvenience, the abortionist not reporting it because to them child rape is less important than murdering said child’s child…it’s all here for everyone to see.

    Just like I saw it on a street level from an Ohio muni ambulance service THREE DECADES AGO.

    Nothing has changed, nothing has improved, no lessons have been learned, the Democrats have made the courts WORSE if possible, but they were the ones letting the pedophiles out back THEN as well. Even many of the players are the same in Congress, other than they’ve gained seniority and rank, in one case the highest rank possible, albeit by having an election stolen FOR him.

    …and we wonder why God seems to have abandoned this nation, turning us over to evil people who serve satan openly.

    Because we have done nothing…NOTHING…to stop this in all that time.

    Did I say NOTHING has changed? That’s not quite true.

    It’s gotten WORSE.

    The Overton window has moved a mile. Society has been made not only accepting of perverion, but perversion acceptance is FORCED on society. Peophilia is committed by all its high officials, winked at in the halls of power, celebrated as desirable in some of the preferred cultures, and is practially legalized as its enforcement is lax, its penalties few, and its practitioners given a complete pass if they are rich, powerful, or simply a preferred class that the police has been told to keep their hands off of.

    And the “medical profession” has become a player on the WRONG SIDE. Child mutilation on demand, abortion, murder, all available in the santized halls of your local hospital, provided by some guy with degrees on the wall and a white coat in his locker.

    We used to at least do SOMETHING about these folks, but probably best if I don’t get into that here. Now, nothing seems to happen to them and even if a few got what they earned, there’s so many now it will make no difference, and every day they import MORE.

    As it was in the time of Noe, so it is now. God turned His back on the sick and reprobate then with only a handful spared the full, deserved measure of His righeous wrath, and He would be fully justsified in doing so again, cleansing His creation with the fire they’ve called down on themselves. Only the merciful intercession of His Son has kept us from the firey rain that should fall on the just and unjust alike for the enormity of the crimes we have not stopped, but that time too is coming to an end, in fulfillment of Scripture and by the only Hand that can mete out the measure of Justice now deserved.

    This land is cursed by this, as well it should be.

    I need to stop now. I am far too angry to continue to where this should go, lest I dampen the Spirit of others or say things I should not in a public forum.

    But whatever God chooses to do with this land and this world, whatever punishment He metes out, is well and truly required. Man’s justice has failed, and will continue to fail. We have called down the condemnation on ourselves, some by action, most by inaction.

    Regardless, this land is damned.

    It’s only a question of time before true Justice is served.

    And that cannot be soon enough.

    If in my anger I cannot myself go to heaven, so be it.
    For I will be content to fight them on equal footing in hell forever, if that’s where my Lord decides I belong. An eternity of rending these fuckers though they rend me back will not be enough.

    But it will be a start.

  4. I’ve been wondering for a few weeks now if the mother hadn’t sold the daughter to the boyfriend. The details in this story does nothing to dissuade me from thinking that might just be the reason she defended her boyfriend/ daughter rapist.

  5. I doubted the truthfulness of this story at first. It was so light on details for such a serious matter — who did it, how did it happen, what has been done since it was discovered, etc. — that it seemed to be merely propaganda intended to provoke an emotional response. Now it turns out the reason it was so light on details was because it ends up shooting so many of the left’s ideological sacred cows.

  6. Beyond outrageous. Every bureaucrat, social worker
    , doctor, nurse, investigator who allowed this to happen knowingly should be in jail. Worse than the people who do these bad things are the people who allow it to continue in our society.

  7. Typical vulgar democrats who exploit a child being raped. No one can expect better. Also, no word yet on the has-beens who allow in and applaud Biden’s alien herds who don’t require covid vaccines and neither are they checked for it. Pretty sure Biden also allowed the hordes into the nation unvetted and unchecked for them to spread around their std-type monkeypox, covid, venereal diseases and others for the purposes of not only infecting American citizens and REAL lawful immigrants but also to push Phake Pharma’s bogus vaxx, boosters, and assorted other toxic meds upon us. Biden and the rest of the sewer sludge were disappointed in the low levels of covid vaccines Americans allowed themselves to submit to so now Biden & Phake Pharma will try pushing it via his diseased alien zombie herds.


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