Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Roasted on Twitter After Claiming That Being Pro-Abortion is Consistent With Catholicism – IOTW Report

Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Roasted on Twitter After Claiming That Being Pro-Abortion is Consistent With Catholicism

Roasted? She looks baked.


Democrat Rep. Rose DeLauro is being brutally dragged on Twitter after she claimed that being pro-abortion is consistent with her Catholic faith.

Joe Biden recently said that he is “not big on abortion” due to his Catholic faith.

“I am a Catholic—baptized, raised, and confirmed,” DeLauro tweeted. “The fundamental tenets of my faith compel me to defend a women’s right to access abortion. I am proudly part of the faithful large majority of US Catholics who support legal protections for abortion access.”

DeLauro also linked to a statement saying that she has “led over 30 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives in releasing a renewed statement of principles affirming their support for a woman’s right to choose.” MORE

36 Comments on Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Roasted on Twitter After Claiming That Being Pro-Abortion is Consistent With Catholicism

  1. While I believe that abortion is wrong, any mother who makes that decision will not have to answer to me. But what is it about these self-professed “Catholics” that allows them to justify the wholesale slaughter of unborn children in the name of God?

  2. DeLauro also linked to a statement saying that she has “led over 30 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives”

    All I can say is that they realy must have a few screws loose to follow a crazy-ass, flaming nut job like DeLauro!!

  3. Her physical appearance apparently well reflects her soul – very ugly. That’s probably why she is all in on killing the unborn – the thought of something innocent, pure, and beautiful coming into this world horrifies her.

  4. The Bible is very clear about abortion. Twist however you will, it will remain the same. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”

    Granted, there’s a lot of people who needed to be aborted to spare society from what’s going on. However, they’re here as a testimony of what God has planned for the world. For some it will be wonderful, for others well, it’s gruesome. I don’t want to be with the later. We are free to choose.

  5. Notice the “Manson lamps”, the way she sets her eyes has a very Charlie Manson I-live-in-my-own-reality-and-wo-unto-you-if-you-don’t-buy-in kind of look.

    Eyes, window, …. that bitch has no soul.

  6. What is sad? The church sits back and says nothing and does nothing about these demonic politicians. That is evidence they support the democrat platform and abortion. They have proven already their support of pedophile priests. Lord forgive them for they know not what they do.

  7. DeLauro also linked to a statement saying that she has “led over 30 Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives in releasing a renewed statement of principles affirming their support for a woman’s right to choose.”

    So not only is she hell-bound, but she is dragging 30 more with her. Liz Wheeler got it right; there is no gray area, the Catholic Church is very clear, abortion is a mortal sin. You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion.

  8. Jesus, If I got up in the morning and looked into the mirror and saw that gnome like gargoyle looking back at me and realized that it was me, I’d shoot myself. Remember though the real villains are the worthless, anti-America pieces of shit, communist death democrats who voted this human cancer tumor into office. Repeatedly!

  9. Irate Nate AT 9:14 AM

    As I’m what would be referred to as a “fallen away Catlicker,” it ain’t the Church of the late fifties / early sixties.

    Zonga AT 9:57 AM
    Ding, ding, ding, Thread winner (for me anyway).

  10. It’s the liberal priests and this pope trying to ruin the cburch. The tenets of the Catholic church are solid. I’m not sure if this pope is deliberately trying to ruin the church of if he’s just stupid.

  11. I had to find out what’s behind the physical and spiritual ugliness of this specimen. Could it have been the result of a lab experiment gone south?

    Best thing I can say is she is not, apparently, a lesbian, which is what I assumed upon seeing her picture. But there is still time for her to move completely over to the dark side.

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