Democrat senators want mask-wearing mandate included in negotiated COVID-19 relief package – IOTW Report

Democrat senators want mask-wearing mandate included in negotiated COVID-19 relief package

Just The News: Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) want to see a “mask-wearing mandate” as part of the next coronavirus relief package that Congress passes.

“Our goal is going to be, you know, to work towards including it inside of the coronavirus relief package,” Markey said during a news conference on Friday about the Encouraging Masks for All Act. “We think this is kind of common sense.”

Congressional leaders and the White House are currently negotiating another coronavirus relief bill.

“Making this mask-wearing mandate a part of that pandemic relief is an imperative; it’s a moral imperative,” Blumenthal said at the news conference. more

23 Comments on Democrat senators want mask-wearing mandate included in negotiated COVID-19 relief package

  1. Kansas governor doesn’t call it a mandate, she calls it a protocol. The USPS calls it a law, yet everybody at the farm store today called it bullshit. I walked into the bank yesterday and the bank teller looked like a train robber… The Texas and Kansas City faggot deer hunters ain’t in much of a mood to wear masks as the restaurants are closed and they like late breakfasts…..interesting times….

    …..A side note….My liberal sister had lobsters brought in for $ 25 bucks a pound. Why aren’t lobsters about 4 bucks a pound as restaurants and such are closed and their ain’t a market for the lobstermen?….HUMMM HUMM HUMMM?…likes me fried pertaters though…..

  2. “Making this mask-wearing mandate a part of that pandemic relief is an imperative; it’s a moral imperative,”

    S what happened to those “you don’t have the right to force your version of morality on me” and “you can’t legislsate morality” mantras the Leftists used to give us so often?

  3. On day one we the people should have said hell no to the mask 😷 wearing and lockdowns, because now that they have control we will never get rid of this insanity.

    It’s going to take alot more than elections to clean up this mess.

  4. It is several generations past time to tear it all down. Every single law they have passed since the Constitution needs to be wiped out. Every single person in D.C. needs to be removed, the elected and non-elected. That is the only way we have a Republic where we do the governing not the mental patients who think they rule us.

  5. I’m just trying to figure out why inn the world anyone from TX would go deer hunting in KC?
    We’re filthy with deer down here, and if I wanted to bag a big buck, NM/CO Rockies are closer.

  6. Jesus Lord, I am really getting tired of apologizing to the Country for what my Lib-Tard fellow Connecticut voters did by sending this @$$-hat to the Senate. I don’t see how he could be a bigger jerk. Having said that our other esteemed Senator, Chris Murphy was heard to say
    “Hold my Long Island Iced Tea.”


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