Democrat Who’s Already Trying to Impeach Trump Gets Called Out on Live Television by C-SPAN Caller  – IOTW Report

Democrat Who’s Already Trying to Impeach Trump Gets Called Out on Live Television by C-SPAN Caller 

Gateway Pundit: Rep. Al Green is the Texas Democrat who is already trying to impeach Trump again.

There is a distinct possibility that Green is not even serious about this. He may just be trying to increase support from the far left for fundraising purposes. Either way, it’s completely stupid and the public is sick of this.

Green appeared on C-Span this morning and a caller made a total fool out of him on live television. The caller also got into the Democrat hypocrisy over Elon Musk, DOGE, and USAID.

Green deserved this.

22 Comments on Democrat Who’s Already Trying to Impeach Trump Gets Called Out on Live Television by C-SPAN Caller 

  1. “Green appeared on C-Span this morning and a caller made a total fool out of him on live television.”
    I think that job was done some time ago but no harm in piling on.

  2. Ιt tаkеѕ ѕеrіοuѕ bаllѕ fοr а Dеmοсrаt tο сοmрlаіn tһаt Τrumр іѕn’t fіt tο ѕеrvе wһеn tһеу јuѕt рrοрреd uр а рοtаtο іn tһе Οvаl Οffісе fοr tһе lаѕt fοur уеаrѕ.

  3. Ι’m οld еnοugһ tο rеmеmbеr ѕееіng Rер. Grееn арреаrіng іn tһе οреnіng ѕсеnе οf 2001: Α Sрасе Οdуѕѕеу.



    Wow! It must have been some hellaciously talented makeup artist (or expensive AI image generator) to improve Green’s looks that much!

  5. I wonder how the Dems feel these days, being dogged left and right by every hick, flyover, Bible-clinging, MAGA hat-wearing moron who thinks they know something about winning elections and running the country. It must be so irritating to realize your echo chamber was only that, an echo chamber. Those affirming voices he’s used to hearing turned out to be his own.

  6. Here’s my concern. And it’s not Albert Green trying to impeach Trump for Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Sooner or later we need to focus on an electorate that would elect a son of a bitch this stupid. In the long run that maybe the threat to the Republic. The dumbing down of the electorate. Is that what was behind the massive invasion of our country from third world shit holes by the Democrats? Not out of the question. It would be interesting to focus on the general IQ of his average voter. Another big time reason to demand I.Q. tests before you can vote, have children, or own a gun.

  7. With the last name Green, President Trump should make him the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – one day before eliminating this Taxpayer’s burden altogether and forever.

  8. joe6pak
    Back in the day when my kids were 18 I couldn’t tell you one of their friends that had the presence of mind to make a logical decision to vote for any given candidate. That was 15 years ago and it’s only gotten much worse. In all reality the voting age should be raised to 30. I’m not joking.

  9. Brad, I know. And you have to have skin in the game. You can’t be collecting welfare and vote. Being a property owner might be a good requirement. Right this minute I can’t say I have the menu of requirements but give me a couple more glasses of wine and I can come up with some.

  10. Now, it’s “Peach 47” as Mad Maxine would say. Caveman Al’s regurgitating the same old Demwit garbage strategy that failed to stop President Trump. In fact, it helped him get elected for a second or implied third term.
    These evil idiots don’t have a clue Trump was re-elected because as the caller said, American voters are tired of their mess.


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