Democrat IT Aide Says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe From Him In Exchange For Contract With Then-Rep. Gwen Graham – IOTW Report

Democrat IT Aide Says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe From Him In Exchange For Contract With Then-Rep. Gwen Graham

  • Democratic IT aide Imran Awan solicited a bribe from an IT vendor in exchange for work with then-Rep. Gwen Graham, the vendor said.
  • The Department of Justice knows about the vendor, but hasn’t been contacted.
  • The vendor said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz would encourage newly elected members to hire Imran or his relatives.

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7 Comments on Democrat IT Aide Says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe From Him In Exchange For Contract With Then-Rep. Gwen Graham

  1. It appears DOJ and FBI adopted Clinton’s military mandate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, resulting in dead Americans in stunning proportions.

    Ruby Ridge
    Boston bombers
    Lavoy Finicum
    Koresh Waco TX
    Garland TX (score one for local LE)
    San Bernardino
    Pulse nightclub
    Las Vegas
    Parkland FL, to name a few.

    We’ll never know the names/numbers of troops killed overseas as a result of HRC and DWS “carelessness”.

  2. I wish this were not all so slow drip, drip, drip…..

    At the same time, the corruption — and treason! — is so widespread and deeply embedded it is much more than just a couple of news days.

    If needed (and I hope not) our Superhero Prez will jump into the fray, declassify a zillion documents, order indictments issued and……

    America will be free and honest, again. …..Lady in Red

  3. Did Awan insist the check say “Bribe” in the memo? Because American legal precedent says “If it’s nor clearly marked ‘bribe’, then it’s just the business of government.”

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