DailyCaller: Focus groups of black voters put together by a Democratic pollster found that Hillary Clinton is underperforming among black voters.
The focus groups were organized by Cornell Belcher of Brilliant Corner Research & Strategy. Belcher previously worked as a pollster for the Democratic National Committee. He found that Hillary is underperforming with black voters in the key states of Ohio and Florida and that they didn’t feel compelled to vote for her out of disdain for Donald Trump.
Stands to reason. She has always struggled to win the affection of the first black president, William Jefferson Clinton.
I believe on the sign in that photo they misspelled “Hell”.
She has to bring them to heel. Bad blacks, BAD! Heel. Sit. Roll over. That’ll do, blacks. That’ll do.
I’ve got a better sign:
“We have to bring Trump to heal“.
She’s no Obama. The 08/12 phenomenon wil not repeat.
No way blacks are going to turn out in record numbers for some mean old rich white bitch.
Black turnout will, at best, be back to the usual low % rates.
Millennials will mostly sit this one out too. Or vote Third Party, which comes right out of the Dem totals.
Trump 2016
I don’t know why she always has hot sauce with her.
if they have to poll black voters to see who they would vote for then the democrats are really and truly screwed.
She better start working that phoney black dialect again, but maybe this time in black face!
Killary thinks she can do her racial version of Willy Stark, ‘Get the Blacks, Get the Blacks out. Yeah you’re Black too.’ As she is calling she is contemptuous of them. The contempt and manipulation is finally becoming apparent to Killary’s ‘hicks’.
Guess what Demorats? Blacks may no longer be your indivisible monolith of voters. No longer your children, your pets to be given free food, free housing, free medical care. It’s taken 8 years of Obozo in the White House for some people to realize skin color is not the issue and criticism of Obozo is based on substance not race.
It never occurs to the Demorats that pride in accomplishment, achievement and self-respect might just outweigh being a kept man or woman.