Democrats are dreading an economic recovery – IOTW Report

Democrats are dreading an economic recovery

Patriot Retort:

[…] There is nothing off the table. And if that means hoping that even more Americans lose their jobs and businesses, then they’re okay with that. More than okay, actually. They’re hoping for it.
You are nothing to them. Do you understand that?

11 Comments on Democrats are dreading an economic recovery

  1. …no worries, Democrats are queuing up WuFlu2, and in the mean time, they’ve had their Schutzstaffel touch off Rodney King 2 in MN to take the heat off the Democrats, paralyze the Country, knock the nuts off the recovery, and again divide Black people from Trump…

    …the devil only repeats, he’s never original, but as long as he has a new, Democrat indoctrinated generation to work with, he doesn’t NEED to be…

  2. one of the greatest pleasures of today is watching the left fight from their 2020 rope-a-dope predicament where they have no choice but to expose their ugliest inner core, corrupt and perverse thinking

    it’s all they have, they are desperate

    i can’t help but think of the melting witch, brought down by plain water

  3. SNS
    I’ve been watching that Floyd murder progress on Instagram. It doesn’t seem to be getting all that racial. More like we’ve had it with the militarized PoPo. They had riots in Minneapolis tonight. The footage I watched on IG showed a crowd with more whites than black. These are the same assholes that are going to show up in the middle of the night for your guns. And that points being well made.

  4. Of course the only thing that really counts about the rioters in MN is that they were wearing masks, right? We wouldn’t want the rioters and looters getting sick now could we? /sarc

  5. DUH!

    Cause the collapse; then rise from the ashes.
    Didn’t anyone pay any attention to the 8 years of the Obola debacle?
    They moved everything possible to destroy America.
    Now they figured out that they had to destroy the World in order to destroy America – so the Wuhan Flu Hoax. The Chi-Coms conspired with the Demonrats to spread the flu while the Media stoked the fires of fear and hysteria. Pretty simple in concept and brilliant in execution – take a seasonal flu that everyone knew was coming, add a twist of foreign intrigue, and beat the drums of terror.

    The sheeple ran for their pens – bleating about masks and vaccines while the governors exercised powers beyond their authorities to crush society. Both Nazism and Communism showed that the atomization of society is necessary to make every individual dependent on the government and the government-controlled media for every crumb of lie and distortion. Feed the terror – keep everyone hunkered down – then the bureaucrats and “officials” can run roughshod over us.

    It’s clearer in hindsight, though obvious during execution.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It’s concerning that these people will one day be in charge again and they’ve abandoned all pretense of objectivity.
    There isn’t any way for this country to close the divide between views anymore. They’ve become more and more agitated since the election of Trump and they’re close to exploding.
    Bring it!!!

  7. “this is about the over-reaching of the Police, particularly the state & big city cops, being militarized” ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    This is one of Obumble’s legacies that needs to be destroyed.


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