Democrats Are Freaking Out, And They Should Be – IOTW Report

Democrats Are Freaking Out, And They Should Be

Federalist: The New York Times ran an article Wednesday about how voters in Wisconsin are responding to the riots by switching their support to Donald Trump. This is a very strange thing to see in the progressive Gray Lady. Anybody who follows the paper and its politics closely knows exactly what is happening here. It is a desperate plea to Democrats to change their tune on the violence sweeping across American cities.

And Democrats seem to understand this as well. Joe Biden released a video Wednesday in which he provided his clearest condemnation of the riots, looting, arson, assault, and destruction of property committed by left-wing “protesters.” Biden said that while protesting was utterly American, these acts are not. He said they were wrong. He did not however, tell people specifically to stop and more importantly, he made no suggestion as to what government and law enforcement should do to stop it.

And it’s not just Joe Biden; look at this tweet from Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy. more

h/t Mr. Pinko.

24 Comments on Democrats Are Freaking Out, And They Should Be

  1. Biden Cameltoe ====> Burning Buildings & Looting Cash & Goods

    Trump Pence =====> Building Buildings & Earning Cash & Buying Goods

    Hell, If a dumb Hockey Puck like me can figure it out, so can a Cheese Head.

  2. So the NYT illuminates the Bat Signal and all the rioting and looting just comes to an end? All the Blue State Dems just Fall in line and Call off their dogs of War? Ha. I really hope thats what happens. Trumps got this one in the Bag.


  3. The only Democrats who are panicking and objecting are the one who weren’t in on the ‘plan’ to begin with.

    The ‘rioting’ is only part of the plan to break-up the United States.

  4. Hillary waddles her fat ass into the fray and tells Biden to never concede, just as Kenosha goes up in flames. You’ve got to love her timing. Trump should go to Wisconsin to make that declaration, Billy Fuster. God knows Biden won’t ever go there.

  5. For ya twitter folks can you find out a name for a twitter profile? I don’t do twitter so have no idea how it works, but there is a supposed teacher, counselor, therapist in Oklahoma promoting marxist groups coming to OKC tomorrow night that claims to live in OKC.

    twitter handle is dentor @dentor1975

  6. Not a doubt the NYT and the Democrats will only sing this new, for them, law and order song until election day.

    The day after they’ll return to singing the riot praise song, the racial division song, the wealth redistribution song, and all their other old favorites.

    Remember what they’re doing to Va. and elsewhere, or not doing elsewhere. Don’t be fooled into thinking they’ve become enlightened with common sense, decency, love of country. They haven’t.

  7. Old Racist White Woman –

    I am not on any social media but if you search “dentor1975 twitter” it will be the first hit. You can look through the twitter feed without having to be on twitter. There’s a tweet there advertising for a “Oklahoma City Revolutionary Abolitionists.”

    Also, would recommend any and all to visit Andy Ngo’s Twitter for good relevant video and updates on everything related to protests/riots.

  8. @ORWW I went to it’s whatever pronouns preferred twitter page and they retweeted basically an AntiFa poster about a rally in OKC tomorrow night @7pm. Same sort of sh*t that’s posted daily here in Seattle. There is a protest for any and every reason.

    Yes, follow Andy Ngo. Also, look for hashtags like #yourtownprotests for some communication within the rioters. I follow seattleprotestcomms just to see what’s happening. Don’t attempt logic to make sense of their outrage-just track which streets they are on. 😔

  9. The crooked, the corrupt, the perverted, the lazy, the loser, the fat, the narcissist: that’s the democrat base. Win or lose – they’ll always ‘freak out’ – because they’re freaks.

    We have to leave them behind.

  10. ORWW I found the same as Blink above.
    I’m not “on” Twitter but I have POTUS’s Twitter web address saved in my favorites bar that I can get to every day several times. I am not an official follower but I read him all the time. that’s were I view all the convention videos. I’m not counted in his 86 million followers so that number is probably quite understated.

  11. Thanks guys, if this is an actual teacher I was hoping to discover who the hell they are.

    Oklahoma is open carry and although OKC and Tulsa are pretty leftist regardless of the mayors having an R after their name, I just don’t see Okies allowing this shit. They best not start trying to burn shit because the second they throw a molotov cocktail it is legal to blow their ass away. IMHO you shouldn’t have to wait for them to throw it, but it’s still better than what they’re used to in these blue states.

    One of these days they’re going to get brave and venture to the more rural towns and that’s when they’re going to see guns pointed at them from every direction with some very itchy trigger fingers.


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