Democrats Brag About Gun Control – In Baltimore! – IOTW Report

Democrats Brag About Gun Control – In Baltimore!

DAILY CALLER: Baltimore is the most dangerous city in America, according to a new study by USA Today, with 55.8 murders per 100,000 residents. In spite of that fact, the Maryland Democratic Party is touting the “assault weapons ban” the party implemented in 2013 as a way to raise money. “Will USA follow MD’s lead?” asks a fundraising email from Maryland Democratic Party Chairwoman Kathleen Matthews.

The fundraising email from Matthews, wife of MSNBC personality Chris Matthews, reads, “Following the tragic Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Democrats in Maryland passed one of the toughest assault weapons bans in the country.”

“Now, as young people in Parkland are leading the Never Again movement against gun violence, all of Maryland’s Democratic members of Congress are united against the NRA and their Republican cronies in the fight to pass an assault weapons ban to protect all Americans.”  MORE HERE


17 Comments on Democrats Brag About Gun Control – In Baltimore!

  1. well, I don’t think Merryland has had an assault-style weapon related death since Big Tommy D, Nancy Pelosi’s daddy, stopped being mayor of B’more

    sooooooo …. in a sick, twisted way …. she’s right 😜

  2. Oh FFS, I could shoot holes in their ‘logic’ all day long.
    “….as young people in Parkland are leading….” What total BULLSHIT, those kids are being lead by the nose because of liberals and most certainly the liberals are providing every dollar necessary. OH! And their ban would protect “ALL” Americans…..Oh hell yes.
    I am so damn tired of liberal HorseShit…. maybe that’s what makes them happy.

  3. They love bragging about passing laws, but fck the results!
    “See look at all these laws we’ve passed”
    “We so goooood!”
    They’re just going to keep passing laws until they get to confiscation, then they’ll focus on the hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding, responsible gun owners because the dirty, little secret is that is who they fear the most!

  4. The Baltimore cops know there are
    about 250 “shooters” in Baltimore
    who do 80%+ of the murders. They
    know who they are and where their
    territories are. When arrested, the
    racist States Attorney and the lefty
    judges (Democrats all) don’t prosecute or allow plea bargains and much reduced sentencing, while the black juries won’t convict the other blacks who are murdering them.
    It’s surreal. It’s socialism in action.

  5. I mention this from time to time. Years ago, the idjits who run Baltimore decided to exhibit their collective inability to consider second or third step consequences. They didn’t have a gun buy-back program. Oh nooo. They announced payment to people that would tell on their neighbor or friend (or at the end of it, anyone with whom they wanted to screw with) who had a gun or might have a gun. Hilarity ensued. You will NOT find this in any newspapers. Effectively memory-holed.

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