Democrats Breaking With Leadership To Support Border Wall Funding – IOTW Report

Democrats Breaking With Leadership To Support Border Wall Funding

Daily Caller: WASHINGTON — A new number of Senate Democrats appear to be supporting the idea of physical barriers on the southern border.

Following the Senate votes that blocked President Donald Trump’s plan to fund the border and Senate Democrats’ plan to re-open the government, West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin told The Daily Caller Thursday that Senate Democrats want some sort of structure on the border, and House Democrats are the holdouts on the issue.

“On the Senate side, we understand. I don’t think any Senators … said they don’t want any secured structure fence or wall or whatever you want to call it,” he said.

Manchin is not alone. Other Democrats have expressed support for a border wall in the past month.

“I know we’re going to have to add additional border security … We’ve got about 700 miles of existing fencing. Where folks say we need additional barrier protections, I’m all for it,” Sen. Mark Warner told Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto on Wednesday.

Maine Democratic Sen. Angus King appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on January 7 and said, “Everybody is for border security. The question is, let’s do it in a rational, economic, sensible way. There are places where a wall makes sense.”  more here

9 Comments on Democrats Breaking With Leadership To Support Border Wall Funding

  1. If the standoff is creating divisions within the Democrats then nothing but good will come of it. The Left has been in lockstep agreement with each other for way too long and has moved radically to the left at the direction of its leadership as a result.

    But it will probably take around a cumulative hundred in the House and the Senate together to make any real difference, fewer numbers will not have the strength needed to being hunted down and either eliminated or neutralized by the majority.

  2. Trump has VETO power, that dumb bitch will have to get any bill signed by him in future… That is how stupid she is. Time for her to be put out to pasture. If I were Trump or any other real repub, I would keep reminding the dems this. without enough support to overturn a veto, they won’t get anything passed for the next 2 years that Trump and repubs don’t want…..

  3. Also, Trump should say that Okay, I agree to only enough money to open government period!! (Nothing else, no money to any other countries, etc.) And I will not sign another bill until wal.etc is fully funded.

    He should have said that 2 years ago.

  4. There are cracks on our side. how many Republicans voted against it?
    I think 6 Rep voted for GOP plan. All the usual suspects plus Romney.
    Plus Mitch saying the shutdown was not the way to do this.

    Well Mitch you could’ve passed the 2018 house bill with the Reid Rule or nuke option. So shutup

  5. While Trump initially took the blame for the shutdown, it is now appearing to rest squarely on the shoulders of No-never-Nan, who made her stance personal from the beginning.

  6. I meant to say 6 GOP voted for the Dem plan. I assume they voted against Trumps since a couple Dems voted for it.

    Oolook, I’m not so sure. Trump gets the blame in the media and his poll numbers reflect he is taking the blame in the public square.
    Have the housed passed a bill for funding?

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