Democrats chose a side – IOTW Report

Democrats chose a side

Patriot Retort: After 49 days of unremitting Antifa riots in Portland, the Department of Homeland Security deployed officers to crack down on the violence, and immediately the Democrats chose a side.

Instead of supporting a return to civil order and the rule of law, Democrats sided with civil unrest and lawlessness. And to justify their support of violent insurrectionists over America’s civil society, the Democrats flat-out lied.

The talking points are unhinged: “Unidentified agents” (or “Secret Police”) “kidnapping” “protesters” and “throwing them” into the back of “unmarked vans.”

They were DHS officers and the shoulder patches on their uniforms reflected that.  So, no, they weren’t “unidentified” nor were they “secret police.”

“Kidnapping protesters” in this instance is what we on Planet Earth call “arresting criminals.”  That’s what police are for, you know.

And for decades, police have used of “unmarked” vehicles.  This is absolutely nothing new. more

25 Comments on Democrats chose a side

  1. “In the predawn hours of Jan. 25, more than a dozen FBI agents raided Roger Stone’s home in South Florida and took into custody one of President Trump’s closest longtime confidants.”

    “CNN showed the agents moving up the driveway with weapons and flashlights in footage that critics have said is shocking.”

    “But was it unusual?”

    “The short answer: No. Law enforcement agencies often conduct early-morning arrests or raids with large numbers of officers and tactical equipment.“

    Shorter answer: LOLGF Democrats. And you too, Joe Isuzu Wray.

  2. ABCCBSNBCCNN will parrot this line through Nov 3rd. They are on the side of the terrorists aka democrats/socialists.

    Reagan said “it is a time for choosing”.


  3. I like the picture the people arrested.
    I want back stories:
    Moved out at 22, to Parents basement.
    Moved out at 28, to friends couch.
    Moved back home at 22, “Life is hard”.

  4. The President and the Republicans need to find a way to get the message out. We are a long way behind because of the bias in the majority of media outlets. Those of us here see these stories, but the masses who will be voting in November, and the larger masses who will vote by mail, and yes that is a contentious discussion as well, don’t see much of this.

    Do not back down, do not cower, get out there and talk with people!!

  5. Democracy

    All of the above words define one word: socialism.

    In the democrat’s divided socialist states of America everyone will be required to wear something that identifies them. Each group is different from the other. The most recent example is wearing or not wearing a mask. Identity politics is cancer.

  6. Two things:

    1. The identification they wanted were their names so they could dox them. That’s what they are bitching about on that one.

    2. I couldn’t help but laugh at “Use your words” Like she was talking to a 3 year old. They are so juvenile, that’s how they talk to each other.

  7. I truly despise the Democrat Party with every fiber of my being. 🤬

    Now let’s move to the spineless Republican Party. 😬

    Hello Republican’s, are you going to quiver in your boots? Or are you going to get them boots walkin’? Get off your rearends and stand up for America and the American people 🇺🇸 for a change. Jeez.

  8. When is this going to stop being reported like something big has been uncovered about the leftist scum calling themselves democrats?

    This crap has been escalating long enough that any sane person knows it by heart.

    Same with the ‘new’ discoveries about the horrible criminal activities festering in our government like a syphilitic boil ready to burst.

    Shit or get off the pot. We have either got to fight to get our government away from the elitist bastards in congress and every facet of every department including the military or be ready for the next steps; disarming and purges.

    We must say stop to the Sucking whirlpool of destruction in progress right now! We must stop acting like ‘they’ are reasonable. We must stop falling for the ‘we are all in this together’ bullshit! It sounds too much like capitulation to our commie overlords. What’s next? Cattle prods if you don’t wear a mask. A freaking mask that does very little to stop the spread. I’ve yet to see door handles washed down as I enter any place that mandates masks. Even damn hospitals!

    What fools we are. Remember that saying, ‘Fool me once and shame on you. Fool me twice and shame on me’? Well here we sit, on the cusp of another shutdown. Mandated masks my butt! Start sterilizing door handles, carts, vending machines, laundromats, and on and on.

    When are we going to wake up? As we are herded onto a cattle car?

  9. If you saw a hundred angry lunatics crashed into Pelosi’s house and carry her and her husband off screaming in terror, would you call the police?

    Didn’t think so.

  10. Pelosi calling the officers Trump’s Stormtroopers is a call for more riots and destruction, all with the support of Dumpocraps.

    She is such an ass-hole. There is nothing in common between these DHS officers and Nazi Stormtroopers. Her use of the word is a dog whistle. It’s almost beyond belief that she said that.

    All over that building are spray painted slogans like ACAB and Kill All Cops. Is LE supposed to take this lying down? LE all over the country have been too lenient with these destroyers of civilization.

  11. Choose a side my aching ass. Anyone who thinks this whole effort has not had Democrat support since day one doesn’t want to acknowledge the obvious. Willful ignorance doesn’t even enter into the equation, these riots are exactly what they look like they are. Carefully scripted and choreographed stage plays. The only thing that hasn’t been under direct control of the Democrat Party is when the ANTIFA element mutinies and goes off script.

  12. I can’t comprehend why any American would vote for a member of a political party (Democrat) that not only supports but encourages domestic terrorists to commit their terrorist crimes.

  13. If these stinking politicians would NOT be allowed to have any security troopers they would be preaching a very different line once they and their family members get beat up, DOXXED, and had their homes under siege by mobs that never go away or give you one moment of peace.

    I think a new law should be passed that nobody can be a politician until they and their family members live through 6 months of this kind of treatment with ZERO recourse, just like the rest of us.

    Watch how fast they pivot back to the “law-n-order” agenda after living through the hell they expect us to put up with daily with no end in sight.

    I laugh at the people that think this is all going to go away like magic November 4th. After Trump wins his second term is when all restraint will be lifted and it will be the PantiFa, BLM, and ChiComs that lead the way with snipers and insurgency tactics against all white americans in the name of racial justice.

  14. Pelosi should be in a cell.
    Pelosi should be arrested, perp walked, and thrown into a cell for sedition. Treason.
    Pelosi should be chained.
    Pelosi has forfeited any rights to serve in the US Congress.

  15. The thugs in Antifa and BLM have provided us a clear and undeniable distinction between republicans/conservatives and democrats/progressives. Support for rule of law or support for anarchy and chaos. And we’re not talking about fringe party members. We’re talking about repeatedly elected officials in the local, state and federal governments. If people cannot see the differences now, they’re purposefully ignorant of reality.

  16. @Worker peasant tax slave.
    “Defund the government“

    Damn right! That is the key element to getting our republic back to a functioning government. We need to remove as much monetary value as possible from being a politician. Removing the monetary value, insider trading, private dinners with lobbying firms, back room trade policies, and the frivolous spending taxpayers money. The more likely the parasites are to go work in the private sector.

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