Democrats Delay Votes On Police, Gun Control Legislation – IOTW Report

Democrats Delay Votes On Police, Gun Control Legislation

Roll Call: House Democratic leaders pulled back on planned votes this week on a package of public safety bills that included police grant funding and an assault weapons ban, amid division within their caucus.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., acknowledged an internal Democratic split in a statement Wednesday, but said the House may still vote on the measures in August when members are expected to convene to vote on a reconciliation bill.

“We are grateful to all our Members for promoting our shared values reflected in specific legislation that we can all support,” Pelosi said.

The punt comes as Democrats have tried to build political momentum for gun control measures beyond a rare bipartisan bill to address gun violence that Congress passed last month.

The planned package included a bill to create a new assault weapons ban, a bill to reinstate some civil liability for gun-makers and bills to establish new federal grant programs for local police.

However, theHouse Rules Committee pulled the bills from consideration Wednesday, as the House Oversight and Reform Committee held a hearing on the role of gun manufacturers in the wave of mass shootings in recent weeks.

A handful of Democrats have come out against the assault weapons ban, including Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar and Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader. MORE HERE

3 Comments on Democrats Delay Votes On Police, Gun Control Legislation

  1. For 2 reasons:
    They don’t have the votes.
    They need to shove through the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’, or whatever the hell it’s called, now that Manchin’s vote has been bought.

  2. It doesn’t matter how, or when they infringe on Constitutional rights.
    We’ll listen to them like they listen to US.
    “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

  3. “the very definition of putting profits over people.”
    Unlike the shut down, Covid, Election, Ukraine, semi-conductors, and Vaccines.
    I’m sure none of those put “profits over people.”


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