Democrats duck debates with pro-Trump opponents scorned as weak general election candidates – IOTW Report

Democrats duck debates with pro-Trump opponents scorned as weak general election candidates


In races scattered across the country, Democratic candidates are shying away from debates with Trump-aligned opponents  — party nominees who have been widely dismissed by media and political elites as weak general election candidates devoid of crossover appeal.

Reuters, for example, opined in late July: “Republican voters’ embrace of fringe and divisive candidates is jeopardizing the party’s goal of taking control of the U.S. Senate in November’s midterm elections, as well as winning key governors’ races.” 

In Arizona, however, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs has made a final decision not to debate her pro-Trump Republican opponent, longtime TV journalist Kari Lake, whom national media outlets have routinely tried to marginalize as a conspiracy-minded “election denier.” 

A Trafalgar Group poll last week showed Lake with a 47-46% lead in the race, with 5% undecided.

In a letter to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, Hobbs’ campaign manager Nicole DeMont said her candidate refused to take part in something she said will make Arizona “the butt of late-night TV jokes and national ridicule.” In the GOP primary debate, she wrote, “Kari Lake brought almost every single answer back to lies about an election that happened almost two years ago.” 

Hobbs, the incumbent secretary of state, was elected with heavy funding from left-wing megadonor George Soros and had authority over the administration of the disputed 2020 presidential election in the state, in which Joe Biden eked out a victory over Donald Trump by three-tenths of one percent, 49.39% to 49.09%. Suspicions about the election process in Democratic Maricopa County prompted the state’s Republican Senate to order an audit. more

6 Comments on Democrats duck debates with pro-Trump opponents scorned as weak general election candidates

  1. As long as we tolerate election fraud debates and political positions mean nothing. As long as we tolerate the mendacious Treasons of the Media we will have a distorted view of politics, in general, and politicians, in particular.

    The moronic masses will ever be wowed by the sparkling oratory of Kamel-ho and the thoughtful, reasoned statesmanship of the Pedophile Usurper Joey – they stare – glassy eyed – with open, drooling mouths and bobbing heads.

    We have offended Thee, Lord – with generations of sinners.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. the demonrats are protected from reality, they only need to rubber stamp their masters plans after the steal

    look at uncle fester, who in their right mind would ever hire that dufus in the private sector & he’s running for a US senator role

    look at all the soros DA’s they donn’t even try to pretend they’re working .. unless you’re a white male

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