Democrats–Even Biden Himself–Admit He Went Too Far in Desperate Attempts to Pass Voting Legislation – IOTW Report

Democrats–Even Biden Himself–Admit He Went Too Far in Desperate Attempts to Pass Voting Legislation

Townhall– As the days go by, it’s looking increasingly like voting legislation is not going to pass, especially because Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) aren’t budging when it comes to the filibuster. President Joe Biden’s liberal allies, and even Biden himself, have acknowledged this to be the case, in fact. 

On Wednesday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) eventually conceded to Jake Tapper during his appearance on CNN’s “The Lead” that Biden’s remarks during his Tuesday speech in Atlanta were “stark” and that “perhaps the president went a little too far in his rhetoric.”

Tapper had been giving Durbin some pushback, as the senator had first responded with an answer that in part claimed the voting legislation “is as fundamental as it gets in a democracy. Joe Biden came to the United States Senate on a civil rights platform. That’s why he ran in the first place. And the fact that he shows emotion when it comes to the voting rights of Americans, I’m glad he did.”

What got Durbin to realize that Biden went too far was Tapper spelling out that Biden was equating legislators–including those in his own party–with Commissioner Bull Conners who sicced attack dogs on civil rights activists, as well as Alabama’s Governor George Wallace, who was a particularly vocal proponent of segregation, and Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. read more

14 Comments on Democrats–Even Biden Himself–Admit He Went Too Far in Desperate Attempts to Pass Voting Legislation

  1. “Commissioner Bull Conners who sicced attack dogs on civil rights activists, as well as Alabama’s Governor George Wallace, who was a particularly vocal proponent of segregation, and Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. ”

    …who were ALL Democrats…

  2. “…Alabama’s Governor George Wallace, who was a particularly vocal proponent of segregation…”

    …keep this one IN PARTICULAR in mind the next time a Democrat harangues you about how Blacks need Black only schools, Black only teachers, and Black only spaces…

  3. Thirdtwin
    JANUARY 15, 2022 AT 2:11 PM…

    “And it damn sure ain’t “For the People”.”

    Depends on “the people”.

    …it’s for “the people” who brought you slavery, starvation, and COVID, “the people” who would kill you for your race abd replace you with people from other lands who are already broken to slavery, its for “the people” who have stolen, and continue to steal, the commonweal for their own enrichment, its for “the people” who murder opponents and even random citizens for power and then set themselves above the laws they inflict US with…

    Maybe it’s THOSE people she’s referrring to…

  4. Republicans are doing everything in their power to stop any legistration or passage of any bills, thats their agenda. If they think this will be forgotten at the midterms, it will not.

  5. and whom did demOCrat Senator PedoJoe Biden hang out with and idolize in the US Senate and state governments….

    KKK’ers and segregationists….research some of the PedoJoe46’s racist ramblings.

  6. take a look at HR 5746, still moving through congress

    what started out as a simple NASA leasing bill has been gutted, and both of the dems voting acts were inserted.

    the freedom to vote John R Lewis act….the nasa bill already passed in the house and the senate, so HR 5746 won’t need 60 votes – its reconciliation….

    they’re doing this right in our faces….

    and NO ONE is talking about this!!!

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