NY: Democrats face accusations of fraud in House race after 28,000-vote lead on election night erased by judge and mail-in ballots – IOTW Report

NY: Democrats face accusations of fraud in House race after 28,000-vote lead on election night erased by judge and mail-in ballots

Wa Examiner:

A New York congressional race came down to a judge personally reviewing individual spoiled ballots, resulting in the Democratic incumbent erasing his nearly 30,000-vote deficit to take a 13-vote lead and declaring victory.

“In NY-22, the Democrat incumbent was trailing by almost 30K on election night,” said Hot Air editor Jazz Shaw on Twitter. “The mail-in ballots got him close. Then a Democrat judge from Syracuse ruled he would personally ‘review’ all of the spoiled ballots that had been rejected. Guess what happened next.”

“The judge miraculously ‘found’ enough ballots that he felt were okay and the incumbent now ‘leads’ by 13 votes,” Shaw continued.

“This process and the integrity of our election are critical to our republic. This judicial review has been fair, open, honest, and transparent, and I remain confident that voters’ voices will be heard,” said Freshmen Rep. Anthony Brindisi of the results. “In January, I will be sworn in and continue to work with both parties and stand up to anyone on behalf of all of New York’s 22nd district.”

Brindisi trailed Republican challenger Claudia Tenney by about 28,000 votes on election night in New York’s 22nd Congressional District but closed that gap over the next few weeks to just 100-200 votes as mail-in ballots were counted. WAIT! THERE’S MORE!

10 Comments on NY: Democrats face accusations of fraud in House race after 28,000-vote lead on election night erased by judge and mail-in ballots

  1. Wow, “facing accusations”, sounds like excessive punishment, it might kill a democrat. YES this is sarcasm, don’t painic, I’m suffering from post traumatic election fatigue.

  2. If it was necessary for previous generations to take risks and make sacrifices in order to keep this free nation free, why would it not be necessary for this generation to do the same?


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