WFB: Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff fell short of the 50 percent threshold needed in Tuesday’s special election to avoid the runoff election that will now be held two months from now.
Ossoff, as expected, was the top vote-getter by a wide margin in the special election to fill Georgia’s sixth congressional district, but he pulled in shy of the 50 percent mark that would ndelve won him the seat outright.
When the results were projected by CNN and other early Wednesday morning with 95 percent of the votes counted, Ossoff was at 48.6 percent.
Coming in behind Ossoff in the eighteen candidate race was Republican Karen Handel, Georgia’s former secretary of state who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2010. Handel pulled away from the crowded Republican field, receiving about 20 percent of the vote, and will now face Ossoff one-on-one in June. read more
Oh, thank you, Jesus!! I could hardly sleep last night thinking that worm might get 50 percent? 😱😱
It ain’t over yet, but the big money from outside is drying up for Ossoff. They know how this movie ends. They had this one chance to foist this fraud on the 6th, and they failed. All my old-school district denizens are going to send the phony Georgian back to Georgetown in June. Guaranteed.
48.6%…. that’s pretty good for a carpet-bagging candidate that doesn’t even live in the district he wants to represent. Thank the stars that our elections aren’t rigged or anything.
He doesn’t even live in the district. How was he able to run?
But but but…
msNBC and CNN said…blah blah blah
Douche doesn’t even LIVE in the district he plans to rep, and has no immediate plans to move here. He also won’t marry his girlfriend of TWELVE YEARS. Now, maybe that’s her choice, but it seems to me the guy has a problem with commitment. Do we really need a guy like that repping us, my fellow Sixers?
He’s a great socialist hope for leftists, maybe for 2020 presidency, so don’t count on this Trudeau/Obama clone to disappear if he doesn’t win this field test election.
democrats fail
can’t read that enough !
that’s pretty good for a carpet-bagging candidate that doesn’t even live in the district he wants to represent. — Hillary did that when elected for Senator for New York, maybe he thought he would have a shot.
99th Squad Leader, he’s a disposable hero of the hip-hopracy. Like Sally Yates. Or Jason Carter. The Dems are all about immediate gratification and seizing the moment with their candidates. When Ossoff loses in June, he will go wherever his “girlfriend” tells him to, and he’ll never see another DNC dollar again. There are not many places left in Georgia for a white male Democrat.
Hold on, I just noticed something. Everytime I look at that picture, I cannot see an Adams Apple on his neck. What the heck is going on here?
What will be the next failure to generate snowflake tears?
Deport a few more illegal aliens and Handel’s got it.
I wish his parents had given him the first name “Jack”. Say that full name a couple of times.
BTW, this pencil-neeked geek went to the exclusive Paidaeia School, where all elite Atlanta hipsters have been sending their spawn for over forty years. You may remember Paidaeia from this incident…
I knew a bunch of Paidaeians back in the 70’s. They were so cool that they cursed and smoked right in front of their parents and never called them “mom” or “dad”. So far from the 6th District in so many ways.
At first glance he looks like Anthony Weiner’s kid brother. That can’t help.
Dems are genetically programmed to grasp at nonentity “saviors” they’d never heard of ten minutes before. Obama was the epitome.
Dems are on the wrong side of History. They’re too stupid to see the page is turning.
You know, the media is acknowledging that Ossoff doesn’t live in the 6th District, but then they get fuzzy about where he actually lives…”ten minutes away”, “just south of the line”. They make you check the map to find that he lives in the 4th, Hank Johnson’s district. Wonder why they do that.
Begone, Pajama Boy!
Or more likely the 5th district of John Lewis, now that I actually looked at a map. Either way, he’s pretty tight with both of them.
@Thirdtwin – yep, he’s tight with both of them. Even interned for Johnson.
That means the Republicans got 51.4%!! Yeah!
Rufus T, he was described in the New Yorker as having “…Kennedy-ish features and a deliberate, Obama-like manner of speaking…”
Personally, when I look at Ossoff, I see Paul Ryan’s recently-released, starved hostage little brother.
If the GOP work hard and come together behind Handel then June is in the bag. The Democrats got every possible Democrat vote living or dead that they could possibly get out into the booth’s on Tuesday. While they were close, it was no cigar. I suspect there were a lot of conservatives that didn’t vote because of this circus with 11 Republican candidates that will come out for a single candidate who has a solid, united party behind her. The Dems are never going to get that high water mark again while the GOP can only go up.
scr_north, I got a robo call by Erick Erickson for Karen Handel on Monday. While he may have been catastrophically wrong about Trump, the Sweaty Thumb knows his stuff on Georgia politics and will be a formidable opponent of Ossoff. I hope Ossoff enjoyed his “victory for the ages” last night. That was as good as it will get for him.
Thirdtwin you’re on a roll. LOL!
You may be right about the Leftist Millennial Star Child. But isn’t it fun watching the left spinning their wheels.
Been hearing how this election was a referendum on Trump. Ok. Let’s say that’s true. From where I’m sitting safely behind my keyboard, that says your guy lost. Trump: +1.