Democrats’ funds could run dry before facing Trump – IOTW Report

Democrats’ funds could run dry before facing Trump

The Hill: Democrats risk dumping their dollars against themselves, leaving little to use against President Trump ahead of the general election. An obvious danger exists here, but also a largely forgotten one: Democrats heavily outspent Trump in 2016 — and lost. The prospect of a depleted Democratic nominee facing a heavily funded incumbent Trump recasts the race many are anticipating.

Most saw only the front runners in the Federal Election Commission’s first quarter fundraising report. Presidential politics is covered like a horse race — the attention is on early leaders: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading the crowded Democratic field with $20.7 million. Trump, meanwhile, has $30.3 million. However, like horse racing, the size of the field and the distance of the race are also important.

How the horses leave the gate is interesting, but how they finish is what counts. The FEC’s report gave an important indication that the Democrats’ 2020 entrant may be spent before the homestretch because whoever it is will have over-spent to get there.

Among the 15 major Democratic candidates (who have raised $1 million or more) they have collectively raised $121.5 million, according to Axios. That’s enormous. This sum represents 14.9 percent of the $817.5 million Clinton and Sanders spent during 2015-2016. At that pace, Democrats would raise an astounding $972 million — even without counting four other Democrats already running and the subsequent entries of Biden (after which he claimed a $6.3 million first day haul) and Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet.

In contrast, Trump’s haul represented just 8.9 percent of his 2016 total. So although ahead of everyone, he actually trails behind his 2016 pace ($343 million total spending).   more here

16 Comments on Democrats’ funds could run dry before facing Trump

  1. Speaking of horse racing, the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow.
    There are 20 horses, as usual, though the favorite was scratched.
    There are more donkeys running in 2020! LOL! 🙂

    My picks:
    10 Cutting Humor
    5 Improbable
    8 Tacitus
    20 Country House

    You’re welcome.

  2. Demo communists will NEVER run out of money. 95% of America’s wealthiest people made their fortunes because of competitive free market capitalism, yet they fund communism.

  3. 1 War of Will 15-1
    2 Tax 20-1
    3 By My Standards 15-1
    4 Gray Magician 50-1
    5 Improbable 5-1
    6 Vekoma 15-1
    7 Maximum Security 8-1
    8 Tacitus 8-1
    9 Plus Que Parfait 30-1
    10 Cutting Humor 30-1
    11 Haikal Scr
    12 Omaha Beach Scr
    13 Code of Honor 12-1
    14 Win Win Win 12-1
    15 Master Fencer 50-1
    16 Game Winner 9-2
    17 Roadster 5-1
    18 Long Range Toddy 30-1
    19 Spinoff 30-1
    20 Country House 30-1
    21 Bodexpress 30-1

  4. @K.Derby ~ man, that’s a huge field, even w/ the scratches (too bad about Omaha Beach)
    Game Winner’s the fav … I’ll go w/ 20 on Max Security & 20 on Tacitcus & 50 on Game Winner, 10 on Roadster

  5. Look. Avengers Endgame is going to make $1,250,000,000.00 in its first week. All of them are commies. The Kevin Feiges, Josh Whedons, Chris Evans, Brie Larsons, Don Cheadles, Gwyneth Paltrows, Mark Ruffalos, etc., etc. will be the next David Geffens, Katzenbergs, and the like who bankroll this 4K UHD shitshow for the next few decades.

  6. Where does all this money go?

    The Enemedia.

    Convinced many would go bye-bye without that money.

    I wonder, if political advertising was banned and an even playing field was created by only just listing the candidates and their positions were allowed, would we be subjected to the deep state influence as much?

    Make people do their own homework instead of being bamboozled by the permitted lying candidates are currently allowed to do.

    Truth-in-advertising laws do not apply to these ads and the Enemedia is funded by this money.

    It works against the little people and makes us fodder for their plans.

  7. Campaign money is no longer the determining factor -Hillary outspent Trump and lost to him- and the Democrats have nothing to offer other than what they perceive as the countries prevailing sentiment of anti-Trump hatred.

    No matter what they campaign on, in the end it boils down to that and little else.

    But, IMO, they’re wrong and it will end up defeating them instead of electing them.

    I may be wrong, we’ll know soon enough.

  8. One of the related issues I appreciated when HILLARY LOST! in 2016 was how much $$ Big Money donors had wasted in trying to get her elected. They gave their Money for Nuthin and I doubt they would do it again for a 2-time Loser like Clinton. By the way, how many times has Joey Biden run for Pres & lost ?


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