Democrats have forgotten their Southern Manifesto – IOTW Report

Democrats have forgotten their Southern Manifesto

Black Republican:

By William Haupt III | The Center Square contributor

Recently when angry Democrats attacked U.S. Sen. Tim Scott for claiming that America was not a racist nation, little did they know they did that on the 65th anniversary of “The Southern Manifesto?”

In 1954, when the Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education and outlawed segregation in schools, Southern Democrats began a massive campaign to defy this! President Eisenhower’s Republican Congress responded by passing the 1957 Civil Rights Act to enforce the Court’s decision.

The day Republicans filed the Civil Rights Act, Southern Democrats wrote a rebuttal named “The Southern Manifesto.” This was a show of unity against Eisenhower and the Republicans attempts to enforce desegregation. This credo accused the Supreme Court of “abuse of power” and to use “all means” to reverse Brown v. Education. This solidified the Democrats stand against Brown v. Education and their defiance to future desegregation. One hundred Southern Democrats signed it.

Howard Smith of Virginia, chairman of the House Rules Committee, was the key segregationist in the lower chamber to lobby Democrats to support The Southern Manifesto. Under Smith, the Rules Committee became the graveyard for every civil rights initiative in the 1950s. Smith declared, “The state ship has ‘drifted from her moorings,’ and the high court’s record on civil rights demonstrates it will continue to deviate from the core fundamental separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution.” more here

1 Comment on Democrats have forgotten their Southern Manifesto

  1. The Democrat Party has always been the party of Racism
    *It was pro-slavery before the War Between The States
    *After the War, the Democrat Party was the party of Jim Crow, segregation and gun control against black ownership of guns
    *After the Civil Rights Act was passed by the Republican Party, the Democrat Party economically enslaved black Americans with welfare, section 8, public housing, food stamps and abortion, destroying black families

    Every Democrat Party politician in this nation is despicable and disgusting.


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