Democrats have made California one of the poorest states in the nation – IOTW Report

Democrats have made California one of the poorest states in the nation


They used to call California “The Golden State.”  That was before the modern Democratic Party got a hold of it.

This, from Matt Margolis writing at PJ Media:

Despite all the wealth in the state and the Democrat control of state government, California actually ranks as the poorest state in the country after costs of living are factored in.  A whopping 19 percent of Californians live below the poverty line.  While California represents just 12 percent of the nation’s population, Californians represent a third of all Americans on welfare.  The average monthly cost of rent in the state is 43 percent higher than the national average.  Nearly a third of Californians spend more than half of their earnings on housing.  The situation is made worse by skyrocketing energy costs.  “Residents who can afford rent or a mortgage are on the hook for electricity rates burdened by green initiatives and regulation that grew 500 percent faster than the national average from 2011 to 2017.”

Some of these stats are mind-boggling.

9 Comments on Democrats have made California one of the poorest states in the nation

  1. He makes a good point about California recieving a third of all Welfare dollars, so it’s only fair we send them back home to spread the Wealth where they came from.

  2. The biggest problem faced in all states is the difficulty in removing the corrupt politicians once they get seated in place. It takes monumental efforts and near universal agreement to oust them.

  3. Shut off the federal aid and let them try to run things on their own sky-high tax base and see whut happens! Stop funding the freeloading bums and criminals. Stop funding democRATs who think nothing of breaking the law. Things will change quickly!


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