Democrats Have No Good Option for 2024 – IOTW Report

Democrats Have No Good Option for 2024

American Greatness:

Former South Carolina Governor and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s 2024 presidential announcement this week, which makes her the first Republican to declare other than former President Donald Trump himself, formally commences what should prove to be a tumultuous GOP presidential primary. But despite the impending made-for-TV tumult in the GOP primary, the fact remains that the party has a number of possible or likely candidates who are either well-qualified or broadly popular with a substantial slice of the national electorate.

The same is simply not true for the Democratic Party. And as the octogenarian Joe Biden shows all signs of imminently launching his reelection campaign, even the mainstream press is starting to fret.

The New York Times, the closest thing to Democratic Party Pravda, has over the past year run a series of urgent articles sounding the alarm on Biden’s unprecedented presidential age and declining cognitive abilities. Last July, the Times ran an article titled, “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency”; last November, another Times article was titled, “President Biden Turns 80, Making Him the First Octogenarian in the Oval Office”; and earlier this month, left-wing commentator Michelle Goldberg titled her column, “Biden’s a Great President. He Should Not Run Again.” The Times followed Goldberg’s column with a number of responsive letters to the editor, which ran last week under the title, “Is Biden Too Old to Run Again?” more

22 Comments on Democrats Have No Good Option for 2024

  1. Didn’t have any good options in 2020 but that didn’t stop them.
    Come to think of it, they haven’t had any good options since the 40s.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Democrats Have No Good Option for 2024”

    They have ME!

    And I’m all they need!

    Have you not figured it out yet?

    They have ME install absolute CLOWNS just to push your faces in it!

    And they’ll do it AGAIN in ’24!

    You’re SUPPOSED to start SHOOTING, so Chinese UN troops stationed in Canada can settle your onions once and for all!

    Geeze, you people are…

    I mean, let’s see who they find that can win a free and fair democratic election!

    I feel like they’ll get SOMEONE who can squeak by!

    But You can “count” on me to take care of it!


  3. I guess this means Kamala got the memo cuz ain’t heard a peep out of her about running for the Presidency. Just because there’s a candidate in the race doesn’t mean they are a viable candidate. Haley is one of them, Pence another one. I won’t include Trump, I think he’ll split the ticket if he doesn’t get the nomination. That’s how Trump rolls. He has changed parties 2-3 times in the past, look up his wiki. Oh, and he loves gays and their lifestyle. That’s worse than pushing his jab. The jab is a sin against man, his stance on gays is blasphemous and an abomination to God. God is more important. /just saying

  4. @DBad February 18, 2023 at 9:10 am

    Not a ‘good choice’ but The Moose may be their ace in the hole.

    Are you talking about the Mooche Michael Obama? No black person will hold that office again – at least not in our life time. How’s that Obama cdare working out for everyone

  5. @Goldenfoxx
    Yeah, I was talking about Michelle O. You may be right (I hope you’re right) but I’m always disappointed in the clannish tribalism of our friends of African heritage and to some degree many suburban women who vote with their feelings. M.O. is a talentless hater (kinda like her hubby) so it would be bad for our country

  6. @ Goldenfoxx
    Are you going to vote for Mr. Trump if he gets the nomination?
    The moose would be crazy to run. The facts would be it’s undoing. Never held an office and can’t begin to speak and deceive like B.O. IMHO.

  7. They didn’t have any good options in 2020….didn’t make a difference.
    With Dominion voting systems, “ballot harvesting” and the insanity of “mail in voting” they could have run the corpse of LBJ and won the election. THEY CHEATED.
    Which is what they did in 2022 and what they WILL do in 2024 regardless of who they prop up as their “candidate”. TINVOWOOT


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