Democrats in a Panic- Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Will Remain on Ballot in Key Battleground State of Georgia – IOTW Report

Democrats in a Panic- Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Will Remain on Ballot in Key Battleground State of Georgia


Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein will remain on the ballot in Georgia and the Democrats are in a panic.

Democrats sued to boot Jill Stein off the presidential ballot in Georgia and other swing states because she will siphon votes from Kamala Harris – especially with the Muslim population.

“The state Democratic Party has appealed to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s decision to allow Green Party candidate Jill Stein, independent candidate Cornel West, and Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate Claudia de la Cruz on the ballot,” Fox 5 Atlanta reported.

Dr. Jill Stein won the battle and announced she will remain on the ballot in Georgia. more here

5 Comments on Democrats in a Panic- Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Will Remain on Ballot in Key Battleground State of Georgia

  1. Not all Demwits are Kumbiya with KamalMao. They didn’t even get to vote in a primary to nominate a candidate. She was coronated as the Democrat candidate and lots of Demwits are bitter and resentful – won’t vote for her out of spite.

    KamalMao has lots of competition on the November ballots; Crazy Cornell, Jill Stein, Claudia de la Cruz, Claude Oliver etc. They will definitely drain her vote count. KamalMao’s hope is in the cheating.

    Meanwhile, President Trump partnered with his biggest competitor RFK Jr. Lesser known conservative parties on ballots don’t really register on the election map. They are no threat. In a rare “fair” election, President Trump can win overwhelmingly.

  2. Hasn’t she ran before? She knows she’ll never win so this must be her job. just raise money for three years then set up a one year bullshit campaign to look legitimate. Rinse and repeat. Not a bad gig, you don’t have to work outside in shitty weather and no heavy lifting.

  3. Commies gotta commie. They showed their hand years ago with the queer mulatto from Kenya with the tranny for a ‘wife’.

    People still vote for them, hand money to them, continue voting even after death for them, clearly there are a lot of closet communists in the US. We already know there are a lot of morons, but this is deeper than stupid.


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