Democrats Keep Interrupting Jim Jordan As He Grills Rosenstein [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Democrats Keep Interrupting Jim Jordan As He Grills Rosenstein [VIDEO]

DC: Democrats repeatedly interrupted Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan during his questioning of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday.

Democratic Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and Eric Swalwell of California interrupted Jordan multiple times during Thursday’s hearing, calling the House Freedom Caucus co-founder out for his statements about Rosenstein’s leadership and his questioning of what he perceives are missteps on the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) part.

Swalwell first stopped Jordan roughly one minute into his allotted time to make statements or ask questions of the deputy attorney general.

“Mr. Chairman, can we allow the witness to answer?” Swalwell asked House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. “Mr. Chairman, point of order. We can go to Mr. Jordan’s press conference and hear from him. But we came here to hear from the witnesses.”  Watch

19 Comments on Democrats Keep Interrupting Jim Jordan As He Grills Rosenstein [VIDEO]

  1. Someone needs to go Preston Brooks on a couple of em. A good ol’ fashioned hickory shampoo has been seen as particularly effective for teaching the ill mannered to mind their Ps & Qs.

  2. Queen Sheila. A portrait in civility.

    How many airlines has she been banned from? How many years has she been ranked high on the list of most abusive members of Congress to work for?

  3. Fed up yet? There should be mechanisms in place to punish these people. Remove them from committees. Better yet dock their pay. All they care about is money and power.

  4. He tried to hide behind the “you’re attacking me personally” and his “team of people” doing their best to comply with the law.

    Yes, YOU’RE THE GUY IN CHARGE. What a snake.

  5. The deep state establishment protects their own. Any questions about the outcome?

    So where is Jeff Sessions?
    Unless I am mistaken he is the US Attorney General, responsible for every action of his Agency since he was appointed.

    The entire DOJ and FBI are an embarrassment to the Constitution, Law and Justice.


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