Democrats Lash Out at Millionaire Food-Stamp Whistleblower – IOTW Report

Democrats Lash Out at Millionaire Food-Stamp Whistleblower

Minnesota man exposed loophole, but Democrats say he committed fraud.


Democrats in a House agriculture subcommittee lashed out at a retired millionaire who applied for and received food stamps in an effort to prove that eligibility for the government benefits in his home state of Minnesota were too lax and could be easily exploited.

Rob Undersander noticed several years back that income was the only criterion for receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps.

A retired engineer with a seven-figure nest egg but no real income, Undersander decided to perform an experiment to determine if someone as well-off as he and his wife could obtain the benefits.

“I’ve got the [SNAP] form in my hand and I’m thinking of my financial situation, and I said ‘you know, I just can’t believe this,'” Undersander told the Washington Free Beacon by phone earlier this week. “So I went down to the second floor of the Sterns County Courthouse, stood in line a little bit, handed in the application and three weeks later I’m getting food stamps, a balance on my EBT card.”

Although he was not invited to formally testify, Undersander was in attendance at a Thursday subcommittee meeting designed to look at “broad-based categorical eligibility” for benefits like SNAP.

Undersander maintains he did not falsify any portion of his application, and that therefore everything he did was completely legal. He says he also carefully tracked and donated all of the monies he received from the program back into his community to benefit the needy.

House Democrats, however, were not happy. read more

8 Comments on Democrats Lash Out at Millionaire Food-Stamp Whistleblower

  1. A lot of ways to game this system.

    One evening a couple of years ago I was in the supermarket checkout line and my attention was caught by the back-and-forth with cashier of the well-dressed young Hispanic woman in front of me in the line. She was using a SNAP card to buy eight individually wrapped lobster tails and apparently in a rush had grabbed two that were cooked, and the cashier’s issue was that those two had to be exchanged for cold ones because cooked ones were not allowed to be purchased with a SNAP card. Then she left the store and got into someone’s yellow porsche that was waiting for her with motor running right in front of the store.

  2. Exposing their payouts to the scum that vote for them won’t ever sit well with them. It’s just one of their ways of vote buying and is why they control such a large number of people each election.
    “Vote for us or you’ll lose your benefits”
    It’s sickening how long this has been going on.

  3. Old black guy at Walmart was on line bragging about having a hot dog stand down road at beach. He was buying dogs, buns, mustard, etc with snap card and cooking and selling them. Drove away in a new Escalade. I take it He is already getting his reparations.

  4. Used to have a retired armed forces hunting lodge owner bragging that he filled his pantry for serving his guests by going to the PX exchange down the road.

  5. I don’t think he defrauded either the Federal nor his state government. He filled out the form honestly and, with his low income stream, was qualified.

    “You willfully and maliciously gamed the SNAP,” said subcommittee Chairwoman Marcia Fudge… Pathetic to suggest that a large percentage of people on government assistance are not gaming the system.


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