Democrats: Left in the Lurch – IOTW Report

Democrats: Left in the Lurch

NBC– When President-elect Donald Trump replaces Barack Obama on January 20, the Democratic Party will find itself more removed from power than at almost any point since the party’s creation.

Scorned by the same voters who once embraced the New Deal, built the Great Society, and put their hope in the nation’s first black president, Democrats are now locked out of power in Washington and out of two-thirds of state legislative chambers across the country.

Simply put, Democrats’ once vaunted coalition of the ascendant — younger, multiethnic, educated, and urban — failed them in 2016, and in 2014 and 2010 before that. That coalition proved to have major handicaps, part demographic and part geographic, that have been hollowing out the party for years.  more

9 Comments on Democrats: Left in the Lurch

  1. I read a few pages of the article and it pretty well comes out “Democrats good but a little confused and Republicans evil.” Not a surprise coming from ABC. It was interesting that they quoted LBJ as lamenting (when he signed the civil rights act) that they’ve lost the south for a generation but failed to mention when he signed the war against poverty that (paraphrasing here) “the n*ggers will be voting for us for a hundred years now”.

    In any event the Dems now are faced with a choice. The party turns back to the centre and becomes more like the JFK version of the Dems (the good parts, not the bad) or go even farther left with the likes of Elisabeth (Cherokee) Warren or Bernie “BeachHouse” Sanders. I’m not sure which road they’ll take but I am sure that the next four years will be all about attacking Trump regardless of how much good the country benefits from his leadership.

  2. Red state Republican-controlled houses and Republican governors have to keep tightening the screws on welfare benefits so that welfare democrats will migrate to the bluest states. This will insure that the majority of electoral votes will continue to go to Republicans.

  3. Fortunately for the socialists (Demonrats) there exists a vast conspiracy of traitors in the Republican Party, ready, willing, and able to do their bidding.
    Starting with Mitch McConnell in the Senate, Paul Ryan in the House, and Legions of them in the Agencies.
    Mr. (Pres.) Trump’s task is Herculean.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This from Southern writer William Faulkner —

    “A negro is not so much a person as he is a form of behavior.”

    The Democrats are prime examples of this.

    Just sign me fed up by their unnecessary, destructive behavior. I no longer notice it.

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