Democrats now fear school closings will hurt them politically: NYT – IOTW Report

Democrats now fear school closings will hurt them politically: NYT

Blaze: The longer schools remain closed because of COVID-related issues, the more Democrats are feeling the pressure from weary parents who are fed up with the closures and remote learning. The New York Times reported that Democrats are concerned that school closing will hurt them politically.

Chicago Public Schools have been closed since Wednesday because 73% of the Chicago Teachers Union voted on Tuesday against returning to the classroom and only teaching remotely. The school district accused the teachers union of staging an illegal walkout.

On Thursday, seven parents of Chicago Public Schools students launched a lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union. The parents are calling this week’s school closures an “illegal strike.” The parents are demanding the teachers return for in-person learning.

The Chicago Public Schools system was projected to receive $2.79 billion in federal aid from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund that is intended to help schools safely reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic. more here

12 Comments on Democrats now fear school closings will hurt them politically: NYT

  1. ” Democrats are feeling the pressure from weary parents who are fed up with the closures and remote learning….”

    Politicians round the world should be feeling a hellish inferno for legitimizing legions of people idling yet still righteously collecting their salaries and benefits !!

    That disconnect gave us trillions of funny money (devaluing the real earnings and saving of everyone planetwide). And since they got away with that there is NO LIMIT to their thieving and looting of EVERYTHING.

    Way past time for an Ethereal Exterminator to rid the world of these parasitic vermin.

  2. Those fucking morons only hear the sound of their own demented voices until the public punches them so hard in the mouth that all they can do is spit teeth. Idiots. Imagine being so insular and stupid that they’d think people would put up with this shit forever?

  3. Demorat voters can be divided into three major groups;
    1) 20 million actual and truly evil beings
    2) 40 million brain dead willfully ignorant useful idiots
    3) 21 million actually dead

    As long as we allow them to continue the narrative that any election stole by a demorat was fair and honest, the beatings will continue.

  4. @majorityofbob January 10, 2022 at 2:26 pm

    > 40 million brain dead willfully ignorant useful idiots

    When did feminists (of any of the 57 genders) become “useful”?

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