Democrats Offer Plan to Release All Child Traffickers at Border into U.S. – IOTW Report

Democrats Offer Plan to Release All Child Traffickers at Border into U.S.

Breitbart: The House Democrats’ first offer to President Trump in negotiations to fund his proposed United States-Mexico border wall includes a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border.

The draft budget provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with $7.4 billion, nearly $850 million less than requested by the Trump administration, and funds only 1,250 beds for adults and migrant children coming across the border this year, a decrease in detention space.

Attached to that funding, though, is an immigration enforcement ban first introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and supported by every Senate Democrat. The Democrats’ offer demands that all immigration enforcement end for any adult crossing the border with a child by the end of Fiscal Year 2019.  more

15 Comments on Democrats Offer Plan to Release All Child Traffickers at Border into U.S.

  1. Trump needs to demand that all democrats be forced to take in an illegal “family” including all the grandparents, aunts, uncles cousins etc, etc. And PAY out of their own pockets ALL of their expenses.

  2. Their offers are just as stupid as their policies.

    Didn’t these assholes take an oath to protect Americans??
    I know, promises mean NOTHING to a liberal lying POS.

  3. That would certainly drive up the price the cartels get for selling a child to the invaders. Having a child with you, whether yours or not, is a ‘get out of hell card and get on to easy street’ card.
    People with several children will divide them up for the profit, then re-unite later. Or not. They might not care, if they are democrats, which they will eventually be anyway.
    Just condoned human trafficking, hidden by legal language.

  4. LCD – They’re not stupid. They’re enablers. They’re mind-numbingly greedy democRATz who will go to any lengths, including exploiting children, to get new voters including aiding and abetting criminals.

  5. “a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border.”
    “a provision that would end all of your ability to procreate.”
    Seems fair to me,,,
    just extending that olive branch to your wallet

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