Democrats owned the narrative and rules of the 2020 election. Will Republicans learn from it? – IOTW Report

Democrats owned the narrative and rules of the 2020 election. Will Republicans learn from it?

JTN: How the GOP lost control of Washington, and what comes next.

Now that Democrats are poised to control the White House, Senate and House, the traditional game of finger-pointing and recrimination will begin inside the GOP.

The first instinct for politicians will be to assign blame, call names and jockey for position. But the 2020 election wasn’t just an election, it was a political watershed in which the rules and strategy for winning were rewritten.

The November election (and Tuesday’s Georgia curtain call) wasn’t won and lost by the tactics, spending, individual players and messaging in the weeks before Nov. 3, according to interviews conducted with more than three dozen frontline players.

Rather, its outcome was cemented long before Labor Day 2020 by a Democratic machinery of former Barack Obama proteges, like David Plouffe, John Podesta, David Axelrod and Stacey Abrams, who worried far less about the tactics of ads, travel (Joe Biden hardly did!) and fundraising and far more about the strategy of how to control the narrative and the rules that would shape the outcome.

They even told the Republicans and the public what they planned to do. Just read Plouffe’s book, “A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump.” They even boastfully predicted days before how the vote count would roll out on election night and for several days later. Trump would lead early, and Biden would surpass late, they said.

They were right. Why?

36 Comments on Democrats owned the narrative and rules of the 2020 election. Will Republicans learn from it?

  1. Yep, the GOP wanted Trump GONE and the only ones semi-pretending they don’t are hoping to capitalize and win over his base. I dumped the GOP in 2013 when it was clear they were the party of soft socialism, they were never going to defund or repeal ObamaCare but they sure used that to fool us to elect them in 2010 and 2012. Time to start a new party to show them our numbers and continue to build on what Trump started. Because they are delusional when they talk about how they’ve grown their base. PLEASE – Trump had people that had never voted, hadn’t voted in decades, were democrats, minorities against socialism and for the economy he created etc. showing up to his rallies. They are going back to the cave unless we take this movement onward and that is without the GOP.

  2. ” …. the traditional game of finger-pointing and recrimination will begin inside the GOP.”

    Maybe in public, but I suspect they will be celebrating in private.

    The Republicans really don’t want to be the ones in power, it rocks the boat and they end up seasick when they are.

  3. Is it just me or do others see the obvious shift of loyalty signaled by the RINOs through their tie color going from red to blue? Blatenly a middle finger salute to Donald J. Trump! well two can play that game with a GIANT MIDDLE FINGER TO GRAHAM,MCCONNEL, AND MIKE PENCE! A pax on all of their houses!

  4. I promise you, it isn’t just those who identify as Constitutional conservatives who recognize the dynamic in play. It is “rank and file” Republican voters who have finally figured it out and are disillusioned with the Republican establishment. The Democrat voters recognize what went down and they like the fact that the Republican establishment has validated their tactics.

    Constitutional conservatives are the only ones who have a problem with it.

  5. It wasn’t that the dems “controlled the narrative “, it is that they cheated, and the media and the GOP stood by and let them do it. Trump the outsider had to be stopped so the corruption could continue.

  6. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WTF kind of question is that?? The Republican party is a shithole of corruption and treason. All they will learn is how to scam us better.

    If any of you still take the Republican party seriously – or even have a Facebook account, for that matter – you are part of the problem.

  7. After the stunt Paul Ryan pulled on the American people during Trump’s first two years how could anyone possibly believe that the Republican establishment is not actively conspiring with the Democrats against the American people?

  8. Republican polls are the slimiest backstabbers in America.

    But they will be re-elected …..because, you know, the most important election in history and all that bullshit.

    Until republicans throw these back stabbing bastards to the curb, nothing will change.

    And i can almost guarantee that republicans will not throw them to the curb. They will reelect Mitch an Mitt in landslides.

    And that is why i am disgusted and done with the republican party. They are the dumbest bunch of voters ever conceived.

  9. Remember when the R’s begged us to give them the house? they squandered the opportunity. Just give us the Senate they whined, they squandered that too. If we only had the WH. Well, they did nothing, learned nothing and care nothing else except to keep their place at the trough.

  10. I’ll be drinking and toasting to the GOPe and their success.

    In addition to Barky and McLame, there’s a whole lot of grave-pissing I have ahead of me.

    Specifically for Mitch Yertle, I will hoist a glass when his democrat coleagues put his head on a pike in the near future.

    In fact, I hereby nominate him for the Arlen Specter Lifetime Achievement Award for Treason Above and Beyond the Pale !!

  11. They are now saying if Pence won’t invoke 25th Amendment Pelosi will start impeachment. They are scared to death of what he is doing, what he can do and the future if Trump is in it.

  12. The Democrats and Republican establishment have made it clear that no outsider is welcome in “their exclusive club”. That is the only lesson to be learned, and the Republican establishment has made that abundantly clear.

  13. I’m 64 and for the first time in my life I’m fearful of our government. They’re above the law officially now. I’m a Trump supporter in a state of shock. These SOB’s will be vengeful, you know, like the criminal mob they truly are.

  14. Liberal Rove/Bush B S! The Dem did not usurp ANYTHING. THE BUSH GOP GAVE IT TO THEM!
    Don has the strongest voter following of any President in 30 years! kHouse results clearly show!

    I havae mentioned her the far left GOP state of PA many times. Reminder of liberl “GOP” sen from PA: Heinz, Snarlin, Toomey. They GAVE the Dem the tools to rig the election. They, like Rove/Bush hate Don!

    The Press has been liberal and teamed with the Dem for at least 71 years! If you are under 65 it is understandable that you not remember the bigotry aginst Barry in 64! It was much worse than 2020. and it worked
    disclaimer I voted Barry, clearly have a dog in the fight!
    The lies they told about Ronny 42 and 41 yers ago were worse than the lies about Don, slightly. But Ronny won 2 of the biggest Presidential landslides in America!

    I do not know John but this article indicates he is a GWB/BHO “Republican”; either uninformed or dishonest.
    John “knows so much that just isnt so!”!

  15. It’s been pointless to vote locally in WA state for years and now it’s pointless to vote nationally too. No more holding my nose and voting for a R because of what might happen if the D wins. I did that, even after what was done to the Tea Party. Now, after what has been done to Trump and the MAGA movement? Nope. Done. Fool me once, twice…not a third time.

  16. They will prosecute and jail Trump because they can’t afford to let him form a third party and run again – and win – in 2024.

    They will also institute a new national ID and social credit system ala China that includes COVID vaccinations. It will require that you list your weapons and police will have the right to inspect them any time with a standing warrant. You will not be able to vote, open a bank account, fly on an airline or ride a train or bus, renew your driver’s license, apply for credit, buy a house or car, or sign your student up for college without it.

    They are also going to introduce “digital money” and do away with currency while keeping metal coins. The COVID scam will continue off-and-on indefinitely until these national money and monitoring transformations are complete.

    Welcome to 1984. If you have illusions that this is still a “free country,” you need psychiatric help.






  18. Let’s start a new movement! DEFUND THE CONGRESS. Stop paying the bastards and eliminate the Judicial branch as well. Starve the beast and let it shrivel and die on the vine! There is enough evidence of their complicity to hang them for their treasonous behavior to convict them of their crimes against our nation!

  19. @Marian,
    If you don’t already have a gun and ammo, get cracking.

    If you need training, BadBrad is expert but I’d be willing to help. I’m safely esconced in WY. Best wishes.

  20. There are no Republicans. The Uniparty is now in power. No one learned from this election but the Conservatives. Peace is gone and we are in danger from these treasonous bastards.

  21. In an endemically corrupt environment a white knight cannot prosper. Trump came on our vote in 2016 to clean up the joint. He was our white knight. He did not prosper. Review the trajectory of his presidency, the convulsions of resistance from both the communists (not calling them democrats any more) and the republicans, from the beginning until now.

    Their reaction PROVES we were right to elect him and, sans egregious fraud, to re elect him.

    We have been defeated by our government, this time. How will we handle this?

  22. An irrelevant question. Doesn’t matter if the RINO’s learned anything from the lefts epic crime of the century fraud. Because there will NEVER be another fair and honest election in America….EVER!!! From now on NOBODY wins an election in America that isn’t approved by the DNC. The learning from this debacle should have happened BEFORE the RINO’s sold America out and went along with the fraud.

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