Democrats Plan To Win Elections With Illegal Alien Votes – IOTW Report

Democrats Plan To Win Elections With Illegal Alien Votes

IBD – Phyllis Schlafly

The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5 million non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic.

The way this devious formula works is stunningly simple. Just get the new Republican Congress (under Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell) to pass a full-funding bill for Homeland Security without any exception for the funding of Obama’s illegal executive amnesty, which will allow Obama to give work permits, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses to 5 million illegal aliens.

Once the 5 million so-called undocumented persons are given those valuable documents, there is no way to stop them from voting. That conclusion is drawn from the testimony of voting experts such as Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who told the U.S. House Oversight Committee on Feb. 12, “It’s a guarantee it will happen.”

Kobach’s warning was reinforced by testimony before the same committee by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who noted that the 5 million non-citizens would receive the “same documents that federal law requires the states to recognize as valid forms of identification for voter registration.” And once an alien registers to vote, Kobach said, it is “virtually impossible” to remove him from the voter rolls.


16 Comments on Democrats Plan To Win Elections With Illegal Alien Votes

  1. A government within a government, with illegal alien voters? Add to that Disney characters, NFL front fours, the dead, as well as the ‘No Voter I.D. Necessary’ standards, registered democrats up their game; cheating in all aspects of a fair election. Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo.

  2. The lesser demon Obola won his 2nd term through electoral fraud, and didn’t even need the rat-people to sway the count. I assume that a local election requires greater numbers of unregistered rat-people to actually show up at the polls.

  3. “But why?”

    Simply because totalitarianism (in all its variations: socialism, fascism, communism, izlamism, authoritarianism, syndicalism, unionism) is a Hell-spawn ideology, inspired by Satan, himself, founded on lies with the sole purpose of enslaving mankind and destroying everything that is good, decent, and beautiful on Earth.

  4. Five million illegals my ass. My guess is the number is closer to 50 million. And after they get amnesty (and money and benefits) and the arithmetic error is discovered it’s too late.

  5. Why? Because the money gets to go through their hands first and their power will be secured by an everlasting Democrap base. They don’t care about the downtrodden, they’re only securing their own way in life.
    My thinking is that when this is complete most R’s will jump sides.
    Total control of all government and total loss of all freedoms including the freedom to think.

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