Democrats really suck at optics – IOTW Report

Democrats really suck at optics

[…] And where were these Democrats who are so terribly worried about the furloughed Federal workers?

Well, about thirty of them were enjoying the sun and sand of Puerto Rico while meeting with lobbyists and Broadway celebrities.
Story @ Patriot Retort.

38 Comments on Democrats really suck at optics

  1. Gee Wally, there never seem to be a shortage of money when it come to democRATs having fun!
    Hope they didn’t have to hurry to hard to get back from their ThanksChristmasNewYearWinterSolstice time off to catch the junket to Puerto Rico!

    Bold PAC is the fastest growing Democratic Political Action Committee dedicated to increasing the diversity of our leadership in the House and Senate. It champions progressive Democrats fighting for change.

    Looks like Same Old Same Old

    PS: Ed Bucks sends regrets

  3. @TRF
    You forgot Kwanzaa my translucent skinned brother.

    As for the photo, I hate cottage cheese almost as much as I hate democrats. Both have very short shelf lives and menendez, along with many, should be in prison.

    It’s good to be a democrat with that automatic get out of jail free card.

  4. Optics. Gawd what a stupid word but they invented it so we’ll use it. Anyway, they could give a rats ass about poor imagery since it won’t be covered on the media outlets and therefore didn’t happen. The media will be too busy covering the 2 inches of snow in DC and the resulting complete shutdown of government.

  5. They don’t care about optics because they know the MSM will never call them out. The lemmings who vote for them only see things through the prism of the corrupt fake news lens.

  6. I read that like 22 of the 30 members of the House Hispanic caucus are on this junket.
    Why isn’t the media reporting this?
    And WHY is there a Hispanic caucus?
    – Is a Caucasian caucus allowed?

  7. WOW! This brings the term “stupid” to a whole different level.
    I think they missed the point of social media exposure. They’re sayin’, “Here, hold my beer”. Well, then there’s Faucahontas. That worked out well, didn’t it?
    I’m getting the feeling that the Dems somehow want to outdo the TidePod challenge. They’re doing a good ob so far.

  8. WOW! This brings the term “stupid” to a whole different level.
    I think they missed the point of social media exposure. They’re sayin’, “Here, hold my beer”. Well, then there’s Faucahontas. That worked out well, didn’t it?
    I’m getting the feeling that the Dems somehow want to outdo the Tide Pod challenge. They’re doing a good job so far.

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