Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside – IOTW Report

Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

Chicago Tribune:

Has America become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday’s FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state?

We’ll find out soon enough.

It’s obvious the American political system is breaking down. It’s been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they’re properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.

FBI director James Comey’s announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious.

This can’t be about pervert Anthony Weiner and his reported desire for a teenage girl. But it can be about the laptop of Weiner’s wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, and emails between her and Hillary. It comes after the FBI investigation in which Comey concluded Clinton had lied and been “reckless” with national secrets, but said he could not recommend prosecution.

So what should the Democrats do now?

more here


h/t Snowball the Sourpuss

13 Comments on Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

  1. During this campaign, Hillary Clinton has damaged the office of the Presidency, the FBI, and the Attorney General’s office just to name three. Regardless of who is elected President, it will take a long time to restore trust in any of these offices. If Hillary is elected President, she will face massive opposition from perhaps a majority of Americans, non-liberals will not respect her or by association the office of the President, and major branches of the Federal government will be considered little more than corrupt cesspools.

    If Hillary Clinotn cared about the United States, she would step down. But neither she nor Bill Clinton care at all about America – it is all about the Clintons. As Bill has already demonstrated, the only way to get Hillary out of the White House would be kicking and screaming after an impeachment trial. Even Richard Nixon knew when it was time to leave the stage – the Clintons have no such morals.

    Make no mistake – Hillary Clinton and her allies in the media, the FBI and the Attorney General’s office have already done massive damage to our system of government; damage which will not be easily repaired. Her legacy will not be the first woman President of the United States; her legacy will be the most corrupt President we have ever had.

  2. There’s a crack in the armour, a hole in the dyke, now if the The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal say as much, and the rest of the Lame Street Media follow suit, we will rid the world of this monstrosity, The Clinton Cartel. Then they can beating the shit out of Trump to their heart’s desire, but it will be a new day in America. And I look forward to it.

  3. Too late to change the ballots, they’re all printed. If she wins (why wouldn’t she, haven’t all the cheaters who’ve been bought off cashed their Clinton, Inc. checks?) this will be the end of the US. States will secede in droves.

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