Democrats Should Be Named & Shamed For Failing to Protect Our Children – IOTW Report

Democrats Should Be Named & Shamed For Failing to Protect Our Children

CFP: That the California Assembly Committee on Public Safety today blocked a bill that could have sent human traffickers of kids to prison for life is the kind of Bombshell News that should be on the front pages of every newspaper and going viral over the ‘Net.

Front page coverage is the only way the six Democrat committee members who voted to block the bill can be named and shamed; their pictures seen by all—including their relatives, friends and neighbors. more

10 Comments on Democrats Should Be Named & Shamed For Failing to Protect Our Children

  1. I have a neighbor who told me when they first moved in “we don’t talk about politics” I take that to mean they don’t want me to know how they think. Similar to wearing a mask 24/7.

  2. “…For Failing to Protect Our Children”

    …that is too mild. This suggest that they simply aren’t doing GOOD, while they are ACTUALLY not only not doing GOOD, but actively doing EVIL.

    Democrats are mutilating our children, sometimes removing them by FORCE from households that are trying to protect them, then poisoning their bodies and minds until they do irrevocable harm to themselves or even commit suicide.

    Democrats stopped educating children COMPLETELY even while denying anyone ELSE the ability to educate them as they used a Democrat created disease, COVID to steal an election, after which they discontinued teaching useful subjects in favor of hard-core indoctrination, all while attempting to set extremely hardcore leftists in position to legally recommend children be medicated and fed gender ideology at school without parental knowledge, ultimately resulting in forcing the removal of children from homes for not accepting the monster the schools made of them and trying to get them some actual help.

    Democrats contine to use COVID as an excuse to cripple, sterilize, mutate, and poison our children, sometimes to the point of dying of a heart attack as a teenager by MANDATING a fake “Vaxxxine” that even by their own ADMISSION doesn’t do what it is supposed to do and causes IMMENSE harm in a population that was NEVER AT RISK WITH COVID IN THE FIRST PLACE, all so they can hide behind the sheild of a 1984 law that protects them from ANY liability so they can destroy the children of citizens even as they bring up a replacement population that is in NO WAY required to accept the vaxxx.

    Democrats are busy trying to normalize all forms of child abuse, using children in very visible deviant sexual roles even in public parades while they use drag queens to teach them sodomy of every kind and that “kink” is GOOD. They have an active pedophile posing as President of the United States who openly molests children on TV, while Democrats chuckle at his antics and defend his perversions, all to further their cause of being able to use children sexually themselves with no cosequences to them and the innocence of a child destroyed forever.

    Democrats reach even into the womb to rip apart viable term babies, piercing their skulls, sucking out their brains, and dismembering them for fun and profit, sometimes from pregant females who are children themselves, possibly to cover the work of other pedophiles as it is NOT LEGAL FOR AN UNDERAGE CHILD TO HAVE SEX, and a baby pretty much proves SOMEONE broke the law. It is not possible to know how many raped children were further stained with the knowledge that they were forced to accept their own child being destroyed within their bodies as Democrats have ALSO thrown up a wall of silence around such abortions and refuse to obey reporting laws concering child abuse, all to further their agenda and profit from sales of body parts, and please whatever they are calling satan this week, and spit in the face of the true living God.

    There’s more, MUCH more, but the internet is finite and their evil is NOT.

    …so no, Democrats didn’t “Fail to Protect Our Children”.

    Democrats are what our children desperately need to be protected FROM.

  3. Worker Peasant Tax Slave AT 8:16 AM
    ‘I have a neighbor who told me when they first moved in “we don’t talk about politics” ‘

    “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

    “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”

  4. They need to suffer that same thing conservatives do from the liberal’s minions. Start following them and their family members around day and night for a little intimidation so they can feel what it’s like.

  5. Justin, that won’t work. The “Liberal Minions” most of whom are on some sort of public assistance and plenty of time on their hands, where as the conservatives have to work to support themselves and the scum liberal minions, and don’t have the time to do things like that.


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